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Can I Use Weapons That I Own For Other Warframes?



I'm making a bow and a rhino warframe but the rhino is going to take 3 days to finish and the bow 12 hours so, can I install my bow to my other warframes and then be able to use it with rhino or I have to get a bow for every warframe that I own? I dont have alot of components to get a bow to other warframe thats why I ask.

Edited by (PS4)skyking1415
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You are a Tenno. A Tenno can use any warframe/weapon of their choosing. It's like gearing up before a battle. A warframe would be armor and a weapon would be a weapon. You can use any gear you have. That's the best way I can explain it. The answer is yes, you can use bows on other warframes.

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The only thing you can't use on other warframes are abilitys like "Slash Dash" which can only be used by Excalibur-frames. If you have two different Excalibur-frames they can both use the same Slash Dash mod though. But you can not put a Slash-dash mod on a Rhino.

Other mods like Redirection and such are independent- Warframe Active abilitys are not.

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Why would you have to get a weapon for every frame?


No. Srsly. You do not have to get a new weapon for every frame. If DE introduced something like this i would never touch this game again.

Grand Theft Auto 5? You have to buy each gun for each of the three protagonists. 

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