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Toning Down Soma


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Let's get this out of the way now. Yes, I know DE said they wouldn't change the Soma. No, I don't care. They've changed their mind before, and this gun is in dire need of rebalancing.


I'm sure by now we all know the Soma is OP. However, I'd like to offer some actual feedback on how to tweak the Soma without nerfing it into the ground.


A straight up base damage nerf is not needed. This thing does 10 damage per shot. That's more than low enough. However, its real problems lie in its crit damage multiplier and magazine size. I'm not sure why they chose to make this thing an LMG, but it definitely shouldn't be. So, how do we change the Soma without destroying it?


First, the magazine size should be reduced to 50. This thing definitely doesn't need 100 shots. 50 is more than enough.


As a result, the wind up time should be removed making it act like a regular AR, and the reload speed should be decreased to 2.4s instead of 3s.


The accuracy isn't so much of a problem. What it could use, however, is some more recoil. Grakata has the same accuracy as any other AR (aside from Boltor), but is more weighed down by recoil. This promotes bursting for longer ranges and keeps the spammability up close. Soma should act in a similar way, and the lack of wind up time would make bursting doable.


Crit damage is an entirely different beast. Currently, 3.0 is way too high for this gun. That just makes it scale outrageously well, too well in my opinion. However, I think anything beyond 2.0 is simply too high for any weapon that's not a sniper or bow. I think Soma's crit damage should be brought down to 2.0, but I also think Latron Prime's should as well. Regular, non-crit rifles should get a 1.5x modifier, crit rifles should get a 2.0x modifier, and bows and snipers should get a 2.5x modifier. Regardless of whether that's changed or not, Soma still needs to be brought down to something like 2.0.


Maybe give a slight base damage buff to compensate. Something like 15 instead of 10. That way it still does the same damage when critting at base, it just won't scale so outrageously well.


Soma needs to see some changes. It's simply not a justifiable MR6 store-bought weapon. It's more like a MR12 clantech weapon at this point.

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i'll never understand why people keep wanting to nerf things. if you think something is to powerful, then don't use it...simple as that. there are plenty of people that do like it being strong and don't want it changed. why should they have to give up their fun just to make you happy?

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They did nerf if when damage 2.0 came out. lowering crit chance. The soma is not that op. There are plently of other weapons equally and even stronger than the Soma, not necesarilly being Rifles.

I mean F***, for example, i don't see people complaining about Latron Prime and that thing deals as much damage as the Soma without crits, and when it crits, it does as hard a freakin' bow.

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Soma's not too bad, honestly. The issue isn't in the base damage of the weapon, but in the absurd damage bonuses provided by mods.


A well-modded MK1-Braton can hold its own against a well-modded Soma just fine in T3 Defenses and the like. Both, however, trivialize all other game content, and that is the real issue here.

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dude, the soma is for people that like strong weapons, yes it is op, but if you got a prob with with it then use a diffrent gun, i always want a challenge so although i am not a fan of the soma i dont think it should be nerfed, people that like that sort of Opness, so let them be

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Soma's weaker than Latron Prime and Boltor Prime and people don't complain nearly as much about those. Wonder why...

Both have weaknesses, Latron Prime's being its firing mechanism (which will prevent you from beating Soma's DPS in all situations unless you have macros and a solid 70FPS at all times), and Boltor Prime's being projectile speed. They aren't more "powerful" than Soma per se; they just share different niches among Top Tier weapons.

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1) "If you don't like it don't use it."


I don't use it. What does this have to do with balance? If this is your logic, then no one is allowed to complain about Nova or Rhino anymore. If you don't like them, simply don't use them.


2) "But it's not OP!"


Yes, yes it is. Level 40 is this game's rough cap. The only time enemies of higher level show up is in long defense and survival, which DE said they do not balance for. If that's the case, why does this gun exist? It absolutely destroys everything at level 40 still. If DE is balancing around this level as the end game, why did they already release a weapon that destroys it?


3) "But Mk1 is good with formas!"


a) No, it's not.


b) What does the power of Braton have to do with Soma being OP? These two are completely unrelated. Don't derail the topic.


Also, oh boy! They lowered crit chance! 30% instead of 35%! It's completely 100% balanced now! Except for the fact it still has a 74.5% crit chance with a max Point Strike. That 3.0x damage multiplier needs to go if they're giving a gun that high of crit chance.

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Soma's weaker than Latron Prime and Boltor Prime and people don't complain nearly as much about those. Wonder why...


Except you're wrong. Maybe you should stop using dpsframe for your dps calculations.


Latron Prime has very large downsides. For starters, you have to find it in the Void. Second, its firerate is limited (it's impossible to get a 4.2 firerate on it) and also suffers from fps problems. Bad framerate = slow firerate. Not to mention how much lower its crit chance is. 35% with max Point Strike vs 74.5%. I wonder who wins.


Boltor Prime has no crit chance, meaning it has very linear scaling. I still think it should be nerfed, though.


Soma has a 3.0x multiplier and incredibly high crit chance. Keep in mind that it has near laser gun level accuracy and recoil, along with the fact that you'll be critting almost every shot and that crit headshots give 4x damage. The Soma is still the king of all weapons, and is still outrageously OP.

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Unfortunately nerfing weapons (which is what you are suggesting, regardless of how little) does not make them more viable or desirable. The statement still rings true: If you don't like it, don't use it. This phrase will be repeated enough times until people understand it.


Oh, you don't already use it? What are you ranting about then? Someone else using it isn't ruining your fun.

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Oh, you don't already use it? What are you ranting about then? Someone else using it isn't ruining your fun.

For the record, it can. People blowing up entire maps before you can land a single bullet is not fun in any way.


That said, though, I repeat: it's more a problem with mods than base stats of individual weapons.

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i'm begining to think that the one's who cry "nerf it" don't know how to properly mod it and see someone else getting more damage with it than them and they get jealous...and immediately demand a nerf. the "if i can't do as much damage as them, then no one will" mentality.

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i'm begining to think that the one's who cry "nerf it" don't know how to properly mod it and see someone else getting more damage with it than them and they get jealous...and immediately demand a nerf. the "if i can't do as much damage as them, then no one will" mentality.

You clearly need to browse around the forums more. Most of these "nerfers" have used the weapon (maxed, potato'd, modded) and are bored by how they trivialize the game.


The Soma is not difficult to obtain in any way, shape, or form. "Jealousy" is completely invalid.

Edited by SortaRandom
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2) "But it's not OP!"


Yes, yes it is. Level 40 is this game's rough cap. The only time enemies of higher level show up is in long defense and survival, which DE said they do not balance for. If that's the case, why does this gun exist? It absolutely destroys everything at level 40 still. If DE is balancing around this level as the end game, why did they already release a weapon that destroys it?

The Soma isn't really overpowered.  The mods are.  Not that hard to do 40x the base damage.  The high damage means that Soma's ammo consumption, which should be its drawback (and was definitely something I felt before I had it nicely modded), winds up not being an issue.  That mod power issue is what needs to be fixed, and there's not much point at looking at the stats on most weapons until it is.  Especially as there are other weapons with comparable damage.  And some require lower mastery even.


There's also the extra bonus on critical head shots that should probably go, but that's not the Soma's fault.  Just a silly mechanic that allows for even more damage multiplication.


Short version: you're complaining about something that isn't the real issue, while trying to single out one specific item out of a bunch.

Edited by Axterix13
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Seriously? Look at the Boltor and Latron Prime. They do just as much is not more damage than the Soma. Also, I dont see you complaining about the 100% crit chance on the Synapse or the Bows, aswell as the 100k+ crit damage the Bows deal out.


Back to Goat Simulator.

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Except you're wrong. Maybe you should stop using dpsframe for your dps calculations.


Latron Prime has very large downsides. For starters, you have to find it in the Void. Second, its firerate is limited (it's impossible to get a 4.2 firerate on it) and also suffers from fps problems. Bad framerate = slow firerate. Not to mention how much lower its crit chance is. 35% with max Point Strike vs 74.5%. I wonder who wins.


Boltor Prime has no crit chance, meaning it has very linear scaling. I still think it should be nerfed, though.


Soma has a 3.0x multiplier and incredibly high crit chance. Keep in mind that it has near laser gun level accuracy and recoil, along with the fact that you'll be critting almost every shot and that crit headshots give 4x damage. The Soma is still the king of all weapons, and is still outrageously OP.

so lets just balance weapons on frame rate and that should fix everything (s)


just leave the freaking soma alone. the phage in all honesty is WAY more powerful, and if you think otherwise i will be MORE than happy to provide proof to that claim.


eidt: http://goo.gl/LxPC8e

Edited by ObviousLee
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