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Oxium Farming



16 answers to this question

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Sedna kappa but it really depends on the team.

Another option I like is mimas, 100+ oxium for a 30 min run with a random team that solo all over the map. Plus you can get orokin cells too

Edited by DMan128
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One more question.  There is another greineer person called the Leech I think.  Is he a replacement for the Stalker or is he just an addon?


You mean the enemy leech leaders? No they are more of a challenge xD so an add on. If you really want a challenge with them, try the inception nodes on Earth!

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if you don't like Mobile Defense, Mimas on Saturn (Survival) is now occupied by the Corpus and oddly Oxium Ospreys have a crazy spawn-rate like in Kappa. Yesterday i finished a 1 hour run there with 150+ Oxium.


Keep in mind that on Kappa you would get an average of 40-50 oxium per run for about a 10-15 mins run.

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Not the leech leaders.  There is a guy that strapped something to my leg and gave me a greineer badge.  It is called a grustgrag bolt.


I believe you mean "Leekter"

He is one of the Grustrag Three, consisting of Leekter, Vem Tabook, and Shik Tal. They function like the Stalker but work for the Grineer and come for you if you side with the Corpus during Invasions. The bolt they attached to your Warframe is your penalty for losing to them. It's a pain to get the resources for newer players to get the bolt off, but luckily the only thing the bolt does is weaken your ability to attack The Grustrag Three, so don't feel it's a top priority unless you're planning on doing more invasions for the Corpus soon.

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Stalker's still there. You earn the Death Mark for Stalker by killing bosses. You earn the Death Mark for the Grustrag Three by siding with Corpus against the Grineer, and you earn the Death Mark for the Harvester by siding with Grineer against the Corpus.


More information on the Grustrag Three can be found here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/The_Grustrag_Three

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I woundl't advice anyone to buy ressources ....it's just too expensive

10 plat for 1 orokin cell....


Yeah, I would usually never buy resources from the market but Oxium is so ridiculously cheap on the market vs. the grind. Mutagen Sample prices are outrageous on the market.

Edited by SwissChris
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