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Prime Drops Needs To Be Fixed Again.


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Seriously why are we farming a prime weapons that cannot compete with the new prime weapons such as Boltor?


We are farming T3 for a weaker weapon that cannot even survive T3 itself.


Braton Prime, Sicarus Prime, Boar prime drops should all be in T1 missions only they are so weak, yet we have to go all the way to T3 for a reciever just to become unsatisfied when it takes longer to kill than some higher mastery rank weapons available through market and clan.

Bronco Prime, Latron Prime could be in T2 missions.

Boltor could be in T2-T3 missions.


Prime Warframe, and melee weapons should stay the same because they are fine(meant to be hard to farm).


There needs to be some sort of tier system for prime weapons just like the keys.


This way people who want to farm keys will know where to farm exactly without having to farm from low level place to high level place for T1-T3 keys (unless they are trying to find the prime warframes, melee weapons)


Here is an idea Prime drop location. Seriously why does T1 Cap/Ext have more drops than Def? Defence or survival you have way more chance of getting the drop as you can keep on trying for it. I have more T1 Def keys and the other two because of this.


T1 Defense                 T1 Capture                           T1 Exterminate                T1 Survival             T1 Mobile Defense

Ankyros Blade               Rhino Prime Helm                 Boar BP                             Dakra BP                 Dakra Handle

Braton BP                     Braton Prime Barrel               Ember Prime Helm             Sicarus Barrel          Ankyros BP

Fang BP                       Sicarus Prime Reciever         Braton Prime Reciever       Ankyros Gauntlet     Frost Prime Helm

Boar Prime Barrel                                                                                                 Braton Prime Stock 

Sicarus BP                                                                                                            Mag Prime Helm                                                                                                                              Boar Prime Reciever



T2 Defense                 T2 Capture                          T2 Exterminate                 T2 Survival              T2 Mobile Defense

Glaive BP                     Rhino Prime Chassis             Ember Prime Chassis         Latron Barrel             Paris Upper Limb

Fang Prime Handle      Glaive Disc                            Orthos Handle                    Mag Prime Chassis    Frost Prime Chassis

Dakra Blade                 Bronco BP                             Bronco Barrel                     Glaive Blade              Latron BP

Bronco Reciever                                                                                                  Paris String               

Paris BP                                                                                                               Latron Stock

                                                                                                                            Fang Blade


T3 Defense                T3 Capture                          T3 Exterminate                  T3 Survival               T3 Mobile Defense

Boltor Reciever           Rhino System                        Ember System                     Orthos Blade              Akbronco BP

Frost BP                      Boltor Barrel                          Boltor Stock                        Mag Prime System      Frost Prime System

Rhino BP                     Akbronco Link                       Latron Reciever                  Paris Grip                    Boltor BP

Orthos BP                                                                                                            Mag Prime BP

Burston Reciever                                                                                                 Paris Lower Limb



Orokin Derelict Defense           Orokin Derelict Survival

Ember Prime BP                            Burston BP

Burston Stock                                Reaper BP

Reaper Blade                                Burston Reciever

                                                      Burston Barrel

                                                      Reaper Handle

Edited by Makemap
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I like the idea of putting all parts of a prime in the same mission. Such as all braton prime parts are in T1 defense, all Frost Prime parts are in T3 exterminate etc. 

Well I didn't say put all parts in the same mission. Unlike right now it goes from T1 to T3 is kind of ridiculous for weaker prime weapons(every prime weapon) to be farmed at T3. They can set the drop rate where all the weaker prime weapons drop on T1 missions only, next tier prime weapons drops in T2, etc. Save a lot of time and high tier keys to be honest. But, frames are special they should remain the same from T1-T3. Same with some special melee weapons. Melee tend to last longer than our secondary or primary weapons.

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I like the idea of putting all parts of a prime in the same mission. Such as all braton prime parts are in T1 defense, all Frost Prime parts are in T3 exterminate etc. 

meh. you'd still end up grinding out one particular mission for the last part, regardless of where all the other parts are


and some underpowered prime weapons fall into the same category as most other weapons in the game: mastery fodder. the only difference is that I don't sell them after they hit 30. instead, they gather dust in the pseudo trophy cabinet that is my inventory


actually I think it's good that all the parts are split up, it forces you to do different mission types. unfortunately it also means you need multiple kinds of keys, but getting keys isn't an exact science, so after 15 minutes of survival, the mission type is random anyway

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Seriously why are we farming a prime weapons that cannot compete with the new prime weapons such as Boltor?


We are farming T3 for a weaker weapon that cannot even survive T3 itself.


Braton Prime, Sicarus Prime, Boar prime drops should all be in T1 they are so weak, yet we have to go all the way to T3 for a reciever just to become unsatisfied when it takes longer to kill than some higher mastery rank weapons available through market and clan.

Bronco Prime, Latron Prime could be in T2.


Prime Warframe, and melee weapons should stay the same because they are fine(meant to be hard to farm).


There needs to be some sort of tier system for prime weapons just like the keys.

First off, the Boar Prime can become an absolute beast in regards to its burst DPS.  Secondly, it would be very hard for DE to assign tiers to weapons that work really well based off of the players play-style (burst fire weapons, shotguns, bows and the Glaive prime).  Secondly, if it is a weapon that you do not think is worth the effort, then why farm for it.  As long as you decide to farm for something, it has enough worth in your eyes to warrant the effort needed to attain it.


I like the idea of putting all parts of a prime in the same mission. Such as all braton prime parts are in T1 defense, all Frost Prime parts are in T3 exterminate etc. 

I do not think it is smart for DE to make all the parts of a certain weapon drop within a single game mode.  Primes being split up between mission types mean that you are not doing the same thing over and over again for every part of the Prime weapon.  Having a single game mode would create a sense of grind that many players just can't be bothered going through.  Different game mods turn the grind into farming. Grinding is an issue, farming is a game mechanic.

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Well I added a new drop table. T1 keys are the easiest to farm right now(low level missions). Shouldn't be a problem moving Prime versions of starter weapons down to T1.

Edited by Makemap
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