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Arc Traps During Invasion


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So Arc Traps are a Grineer thing, right?  Made by Grineer, peppered throughout their ship to annoy the Tenno that frequently run amok through them?


If so, why is it that, if you side with the Grineer during an Invasion, and start cutting through the Corpus' ranks, the arc traps bloody go after you and not them?  Seems to me that arc traps shouldn't spawn during an Invasion when you're siding with the Grineer, at the very least.  I figure that their spawning throughout the Corpus half of the level is just a level generation issue, much like how they all used to spawn under barrels and containers, so I won't get into that.  But can you at least make it so that the Grineer's traps aren't screwing over their allies during Invasion?

EDIT: Also, arc traps currently aren't affected by explosive weapons.  Detonating a Penta round on one of them does nothing.

Edited by RDKateran
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