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Volt Needs A Buff Again!


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Lets face it volt sucks. He got A buff in update 11 but it is not enough. Volt is pretty much useless against fleshy units. Why?

Because electrical damage in warframe is not up to scratch.
Here's why:


1) In the real world, when a being with flesh sweats their resistance to electrical damage is lowered.

Therefore, in warframe fleshy units, like infested, should take more damage from electricity.

2) sometimes electrocution results in second degree burns, so fleshy units, such as infested should take more damage because when their skin is electrocuted it WILL BURN.



4) when volt casts his shock ability if the electric bolt hits a fleshy enemies head they should be dealt 50 percent more damage because the electricity causes brain stem death. Head shots done by electric bolts should do 50 percent more damage.

5) When Volt casts his overload skill, electric bolts come down from the sky and shock volts enemies. This skill is GREAT against robotics but Grineer and infested(fleshy units) aren't really effected in higher levels, so I suggest that DE modify overload slightly. Here's how:

When Volt casts overload, the bolts that come out of the sky should have a 50 percent chance of hitting an enemies head. With this mechanic volt will be able to do more damage, because a head shot from an electric bolt will do 50 percent more damage. 1000 per bolt. 1500 damage per head shot. I would also make it that amount of lights in the area doesn't affect the damage of overload.


Here is a summary of the changes that need to be made to electrical damage in damage 2.0

Electric damage does 60% more damage to robotics and 50% more damage to their sheilds with a 10% proc chance to shut them down.

Electric damage does 30% more damage to flesh  with a 90% proc chance to burn.

Electric damage does average damage to amour with a 30% proc chance to chain.


Volts super fun to play but he is so under powered, with these changes to damage 2.0 and volts skills, volt might be able to compete with the big guns of Rhino and Frost.

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But.... Volt isn't a tank like Rhino and Frost.

I can get my shields over 1k and throw down electric shields all over... He might not be a tank, but thank Lotus he's not squishy!


gotta add: OP been drinking too much Greedy Milk

Edited by Naugus
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That never made sense to me about electricity not affecting flesh, either. I would suggest your implementations about Volt, but make Ember and Frost have a natural resistance to heat and cold respectively, while being affected by cold and heat inversely - that is to say, Ember is more susceptible to cold attacks, while frost is more susceptible to heat attacks.

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And what does this mean???



Starting off by saying Volt sucks, for example, that's rather silly.  And then you follow it up by suggesting that everything should be vulnerable to electricity, and that headshots, which already do additional damage, should do even more additional damage, because electricity is somehow worse for the brain than a rapidly moving piece of metal ripping through it or something.  And you propose Electricity sets things on fire, when electricity already does damage and already has an effect with its AoE/stun.  Oh, and that "Speed depends on stamina" bit.  Huh?  Speed makes you run faster whether you sprint or not.  You can go even faster by sprinting while under its effects, but Speed itself does not care about Stamina.

Edited by Axterix13
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Hm. Well. I agree Volt sorta falls off against beefy, non-Corpus enemies in higher level content. In regards to electricity procing for burns, just, no. That's fire, that's heat damage's proc specialty. I agree, in real life, electricity burns, but as a game mechanic each element needs to stay with its specific, unique proc.


That being said, I agree Volt should probably get a buff. Maybe Speed giving a stamina boost or having stamina be consumed at a lesser rate (same result). His electric bolt should do headshot damage, I really like that. And "headshots" on Moa and stuff would also be supported by this by having the bolt strike their weak spot box thing, which is their processing unit or whatever, which would certainly be more damaging to the Moa than, say, it's leg. I'm not so sure Overload needs a buff, shouldn't really benefit from headshots because that takes away the skill factor that should get into landing a headshot. And electric barrier is good too, in my opinion.


Howeverrrrr. About electric damage in general.... as seen on http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0/Electricity_Damage ... armor seen on Grineer units either resists or has no modifier to electric damage.

Yet armor, which is metal, would actually conduct electricity. So. I think electric damage should at least get a +25% on Ferrite and maybe only -25% on alloy (which may resist conducting electricity I dunno I'm not an electrician haha).


Good post, overall I agree with you.

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you're assuming Space Zombies utilize their pores. i see no need to, as they are not life in the traditional sense. an arbitrary justification is just that.

it's also not really that relevant compared to the metal ship around them having comparitively much lower resistance.


Shock can't be aimed, so having it hit anywhere but center mass doesn't really help much... you can't aim it.


the only thing Overload could possibly need, is more compatible Electrical Components in the tiles, so the bonus bolts of Electricity are more common.


Speed uses Stamina so that you need to stop once in a while. what's wrong with that? you're only moving like, on average, 100% faster, what more do you need? you'll get from like, the starting tile to the objective before you run out of Stamina.




Volt does a pretty good job of controlling Enemies, which is ultimately more useful than trying to out Damage their Health.

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Volt, comparatively speaking, is in a better place than a few other frames. His buffs coupled with the way electric works in Damage 2.0 did wonders for him. He does have a slightly higher skillcap than some other frames though.

Speed coupled with Melee 2.0 (if it succeeds) will be huge.


He's not a god tier frame, but every frame shouldn't be.


It's important to remember that Volt used to be OP. He only just got buffed back up to really enjoyable to play (imo).


In your case, I would look for other ways to use his abilities as opposed to calling for buffs.


For example: I use his #1 to stun and his #4 to stun rooms. Speed is free Berserk mode.

If I'm standing still I always have at least one Shield up. and I have no shame in activating gear when solo and in trouble.

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Volt, comparatively speaking, is in a better place than a few other frames. His buffs coupled with the way electric works in Damage 2.0 did wonders for him. He does have a slightly higher skillcap than some other frames though.

Speed coupled with Melee 2.0 (if it succeeds) will be huge.


He's not a god tier frame, but every frame shouldn't be.


It's important to remember that Volt used to be OP. He only just got buffed back up to really enjoyable to play (imo).


In your case, I would look for other ways to use his abilities as opposed to calling for buffs.


For example: I use his #1 to stun and his #4 to stun rooms. Speed is free Berserk mode.

If I'm standing still I always have at least one Shield up. and I have no shame in activating gear when solo and in trouble.

exactky volt currently is pretty balanced and can be played in many ways i just believe he needs a speed buff so he can actually keep up with the other frames (1.15) same as ash not too fast and not too slow HOW THE HELL is lightning frame slower than shaman/nekro frame

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Lol no



That said, Volt could do with some tweeks. Just not the daft lvls the OP is talking about. 


Shock. Fine, good power no problems.


Speed. Eh, it's okay. I don't see it as something which fits with a power direct damage based frame, but we'll leave it.


Electric shield, fine. Very useful considering Volt's armour is paper thin, but it should allow Volt to super charge shock. Add 50% damage and remove the range as it does with weapons. Currently, it actually better at augmenting gunplay than aiding Volt's power use. You'd still have to stack the powers so it's not particularly OP considering you have potentially use up half Volt's energy pool to get a few shots off, and it's static, so no running off to get more energy orbs.


Overload. Yeah, this one I have a problem with. It is the lowest damage of any ult. with 900 base maxed out. It can potentially do a few thousand, but only once given it's dependent of environmental factors. its a one hit wonder really, which is a shame, it looks good. Really it needs to combine the shock power direct lightning arcs with the energy pulse The electric pulse is good for procing, but less so for damage. 


Needs to have 2/3/4 shock arcs emanating from Volt, functioning in a similar manner to Shock. take a look at the codex entry picture to see what I mean. As outside of Corpus lvls it suffers and on defence or MD, it gets really bad as the power can only benefit for the environment once.


Other than that, hes' reasonable. I'd also increase his sprint speed, hes so very slow for a light frame, and decrease the lvl of resistance alloy armour has to electricity to -25% not 50%. I wouldn't push for Corpus related damage buffs, it'd bring him too close to mag, and vs infested it's be stepping into Ember territory, Nova is radiation based, so no buffs vs Grineer armour(she's OP anyway, but that's another conversation). 


That's why, Shock needs to be usable in conjunction with electric shield, and Overload needs direct damage buffs independent of the environment. You can't just buff electric damage vs armour and shield types as it overlaps too much with the other power damage frames. Volt needs to be more a jack of all trades when it comes to power damage. Good all round, but not amazing at a specific armour/ shield type.

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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