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>>>Warframe Buyers Club<<< (Prime Set And Mods Set) (Updated)

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Welcome,take a look at my sales that might interest you

>>>Event Mods Set<<<

Cicero Crisis Mods Set = 600 Plat (SOLD OUT) (MAXED)

Tehtra Mods Set = 150 Plat (SOLD OUT)

>>>Warframe Prime Set<<<

Ember Prime Set = 50 Plat (2 Stock left)

Mag Prime Set = 50 Plat (5 Stock left)

Rhino Prime Set = 200 Plat (0 Stock left)

Frost Prime Set = 50 Plat (11 Stock left)

>>>Weapon Prime Set<<<

Latron Prime Set = 30 Plat (12 Stock left)

Dakra Prime Set = 40 Plat (1 Stock left)

Glaive Prime Set = 50 Plat (0 Stock left)

Bronco Prime Set = 30 Plat (8 Stock left)

Ak Bronco Prime Set = 30 Plat (0 Stock left) (Note:BP and Link)

Braton Prime Set = 40 Plat (3 Stock left)

Orthos Prime Set = 40 Plat (1 Stock left)

Reaper Prime Set = 30 Plat (6 Stock left)

Sicarus Prime Set = 40 Plat (4 Stock left)

Paris Prime Set = 50 Plat (0 Stock left)

Boltor Prime Set = 100 Plat (1 Stock left)

Burston Prime Set = 50 Plat (0 Stock left)

>>> Miscellaneous Set<<<

Multishot Set (Hell Chamber's,Split Chamber,Barrel Diffusion) = 80 Plat (MAXED) good for newbie (1 stock left)

Ammo Mutation Set (Arrow,Rifle,Sniper,Shotgun,Pistol) = 50 Plat (2 Stock left)

Warframe Rare Set (Flow,Intensify,Contuinity) = 60 Plat (MAXED) (1 Stock left)

Sentinel Rare Set (Sanctuary,Coolant Leak,Fired Up) = 50 Plat (1 Stock left)

Steel Charge Aura = 30 Plat (MAXED) (3 Stock left)

Rank 9 Steel Fiber (Warframe) = 150 Plat

(Non Negotiabe)

>>>Buying Void Keys<<<

Buying> T1/T2 keys "ANY CATEGORIES" 1 Plat each,T3 keys "ANY CATEGORIES" 2 Plat each (Extra 1 plat for 3 keys sold to me) (Void Keys not Orokin Derelict)

(Non Negotiable)

PS: I dont sell separate prime parts and mods,in any condition

PPS: I have 17 Trade Session per day (Rank 15),so I could take as many trades as I want

PM me In Game,or send reply here so I save it for you,or Inbox me

(List will be updated if any prime set/mod set is sold out or added more)

Edited by gembelbau
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