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Unique Gun Abilities


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First off, first post on the forums, but been lurking for a while. Heyas everyone.


With Melee 2.0 coming up, I figured that the next thing on the list should be adding extra flavor to the firearms, making them feel more distinct from eachother. The easiest way to do this would be to simply give each one a skill, casted from ammo, that would be unique to the gun. the overall focus for them is to give the gun utility, instead of raw power, so stuff like "empty your entire clip in a single shot" won't be listed. Pressing Q changes between primary and secondary firing modes.


These are just ideas, and are by no means considered "good". I'm just hoping they give the devs or players ideas to post their own suggestions for warframe's gunplay.




Assault Rifles


MK-1 Braton: Laser Sight.


The MK-1 Braton activates a laser sight, reducing its recoil and spread to zero but lowering fire rate.


The MK-1 Braton is a beginner's first gun, and thus designed for ease of use. This ability simply further paints it as a gun that favors effortless handling over power, and introduces abilities.


Braton: Laser Sight (again)


The Braton standard gets more out of this than the MK-1 Braton, and as they're the same make, just different models, it's one of the few cases of a copy-paste ability really working.


Braton Prime: Laser Targeter.


The Braton Prime turns on its laser sight for a few moments. If a target is hit by this, they are lit up for several seconds, can be seen through walls, and all shots -will- hit this target regardless of terrain or map features. Firing rate is reduced.


This is somewhat of a sidegrade and somewhat of an upgrade, while following the Braton's handling focus. The lockon is nice, in theory, but warframe has a tendancy to throw groups of mobs at you. and single target focus with an inability to headshot or punchthrough targets makes it a niche skill that is really helpful sometimes, but not constantly used.


Burston: Change angle.


The burston swaps its three round burst's upward climb for a left to right spread instead, increasing the recoil in the process. Pressing it again will swap it to a downward recoil, and again to a right to left recoil.


This shifts the Burston's three round burst from a method to put fire on a single target, to a method to quickly spray a group down with an even distribution of fire, or to track a fast moving target.


Burston prime. Burst Adjustment.


The burston prime adjusts the length of its burst, changing between three, five and seven round bursts, increasing the recoil as more rounds are added to the burst, but also increasing the firing rate.


This paints the Burston and its prime variant in very different lights, giving the standard model better group targeting, while the prime gains better range play, able to increase its bursts at closer ranges where the recoil doesn't matter as much.


Boltor: Ricoshet Shot


The boltor fires five rounds stacked together that bounce off of surfaces and enemies. The damage is higher, but the shot has a delay before it's fired, and the DPS is lower. Punchthrough only counts for enemies when this is used.


The boltor's heavy ammunition, projectile drop, and non hitscan nature make it perfect for kinetic focused attacks like bouncing around. It also encourages getting in close and using the bolts against groups, which is fitting for a travel time weapon. It can also possibly hit the same target multiple times if the shooter is very skilled, for massive damage


Boltor Prime: Explosive Shot.


The Boltor Prime fires five rounds stacked together that plant themself in their target for a moment before detonating. The damage is almost exclusively in the blast, and the single target DPS is far lower, but it does AoE.


Unlike the standard boltor, this is far less wild, while unable to hit the same target multiple times for massive damage. The blast makes it far more reliable, and is just as flashy.


Dera: Cutting Beam.


The Dera fires a long range, hitscan beam that punches through objects and targets, with impressive range. the ammo drain is incredibly fast however, and the damage is not increased.


This gives the dera both an answer to long ranged play, where its travel time has issues, and the ability to sweep up groups of weaklings, while being far less effective for killing things than its standard shot. It's rather vanilla however.


Tetra: Heavy Shot.


The Tetra charges up while the fire button is depressed, firing a large, slow moving orb of plasma when the shot is released, growing in size and strength as more ammo is consumed.


The tetra's modular clip design serves this nicely, acting as both an indicator of charge strength, and a graphical delight. As for the function, the tetra's lower rate of fire compared to the Dera and supra make it a better fit for chargeshot styled attacks.


Supra: Plasma Flood.


The Supra is pointed straight down at the ground, emptying its clip into the ground to send waves of energy out along the ground as a deadly shockwave, blasting enemies back.


This gives the Supra the ability to knock targets around it back at the cost of a massive amount of ammo. Seeing the plasma LMG planted into the ground and simply unloading into the ground while everything around it goes flying is also quite impressive.


Flux Rifle: Chained Beam.


It's Chain Lightning. But a laser. Ammo cost is increased, damage is decreased. If punchthrough is equip this becomes quite the lightshow.


The flux rifle has the only real design that works for this. It's also very impressive visually.




Miter: Sawwheel.


Fires the sawblade on its across the ground, the wall, or whatever else is in its path.


This gives the Miter the ability to both ignore terrain, and to interact with it, able to curve itself along the wall to take out enemies behind cover, or across the floor to pass over walls and railings, and take out everything behind them, regardless of if you can see them or not



Just some suggestions that came to mind. I'd love to hear others.

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I really like the idea of giving guns individual abilities that set them apart from each other. Would take a massive amount of time for them to implement it all into the game, but I think it would be well worth the wait and effort after they finish up their current projects. Melee 2.0 and endgame stuff like focus, or what have you.

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Your ideas are pretty interesting, and I really think the overall idea would be a great way to offer balance to weapons. While a gun may not have outstanding DPS or ammo efficiency, it has an ability that makes it very useful in a situation where a Boltor Prime or Penta's raw damage isn't what is required.

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Phage-Yuikami's Dream

Quadruples the Tentacles and ammo consumption. Useful against a large group of enemies.

Latron-Shatter Shot

The rounds fired have a small blast radius, but much lower accuracy

Latron Prime-Diseased shot

Each shot is guaranteed to proc viral, at the cost of 5 ammo a shot

Penta-Sticky Grenades

Take a bucking guess

Ogris-Homing Rockets

Rockets home, but fly slower

Lanka-Black Hole

The Lanka's bullets pull other enemies towards the area the bullet impacted

And the best for last...

Drakgoon-Kril's Wrath

The Drakgoon hits with more power and each shot ricochets 5 times, but clip size/reload speed is reduced.

My ideas for some.

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Yeah, altfire or abilities would be nice, im just not sure if DE thinks that extra layer of tactical choice is necessary.


Also, those abilities for the Corpus weapons dont make much sense, though I like the ideas.


Dera shoots projectiles, not lasers, so thats a no go. Also seems like a random ability.


Tetra also shoots projectiles, not energy balls or whatever, but I guess we can say the bullets get charged with extra energy so they do more damage lol EDIT Nevermind, Tetra does shoot energy bolts


Flux rifle could work with a ability you had for Dera. Maybe you can make it consume ammo faster and it gains range and punchthrough, as if it were sucking more energy to power the laser.


Supra's ability just doesnt make sense and its too similar to Soundquake

Edited by DarkTails
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Yeah, I'm aware the corpus ones aren't exactly the most logical ever, but there was some logic in them.


The Supra's a heavy weapon, and Moa style shockwave is one of the more enjoyable mechanics in the game. If any weapon would make sense for getting a Moa style shockwave, as opposed to a grineer style shockwave, it would be the Supra.


the Dera's laser is due to its construction.


the central area looks very fitting for a beam weapon secondary fire, and in both case,s it's an energy weapon, simply firing its plasma in a stream instead of firing in alternating projectiles from two barrels.


the Tetra is because of its quad clip nature. Seeing the clips pop off one by one as you charge it up would act as a very solid measurement for how charged up it is, while giving it a feeling of power as the gun could potentially shake a bit while the clips pop off rapidly.

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The Dera is a projectile weapon, not a laser gun, the middle area holds the magazine, it functions more like a railgun than a light gun. Just going by the terms used in official descriptions here. Also, why make the ability so similar to the Flux Rifle, better to keep weapons distinct.


I dont see the logic in having the Supra cause shockwaves, seems like another random ability tacked on, but we're just brainstorming anyway. A new shockwave/sonic Corpus weapon would be sweet though

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Railgun was actually my first thought for the Dera, but I couldn't justify it magically having solid ammo to fire as a Corpus energy weapon.


The Supra's basically the corpus heavy weapon, it fires an absolute torrent of ammunition, and the Corpus stomp shockwave is very iconic for them. Of their guns, the best one for it was the Supra due to its heavy weapon status (with the spin up, the massive clip, etc). In this case, you're firing a massive surge of plasma into the ground that crawls out around it.

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really?! ...someone asks for a hitscan+ punchtrough mod on dera and you all discuss ...and when I started a topic about how to upgrade weapons (with some more optiosn of gameplay and lore) nobody said anything!


yeah ... nice.... 



I will give you a thumbs up because this resembles my older post.


But also ...F*** this S#&$.!!!

Edited by nekrojiji
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really?! ...someone asks for a hitscan+ punchtrough mod on dera and you all discuss ...and when I started a topic about how to upgrade weapons (with some more optiosn of gameplay and lore) nobody said anything!


yeah ... nice.... 



I will give you a thumbs up because this resembles my older post.


But also ...F*** this S#&$.!!!


Don't ever become a writer then, you'll probably have an aneurysm lol.

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I love the idea of unique weapon abilities - however, don't underestimate the effect these abilities will have on weapon balance. Most players in the game already use one of a small group of weapons [soma/penta/brakk/ogris/stugg/latron p/boltor p] because of their overwhelming damage and combat effectiveness.


It would be important to use secondary abilities as a balancing factor - weapons which are below their appropriate power level (due to tier, difficulty of obtaining or whatever) should have more potent abilities to tip the scales back to balance.

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