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Weapons Like Phage And Synapse Adding Non Elemental Damage.


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Lets use the phage for example. Prior to the most recent update, if I added accelerated blast the puncture damage that it adds would actually show.

How does the damage with these weapons work exactly?

If I add fire + toxic to make corrosive, then add something that adds puncture, slash, or impact. Will that damage type be calculated? As said above, with accelerated blade puncture would appear as well as a damage type.

Also, lets say I'm doing a setup with the phag that has corrosive AND Viral. When the weapon deals damage does it combine the two? Or does it just alternate doing one or the other?

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One last thing. Using shotgun spazz with accelerated blast increase attack speed by 150% is there a cap on shotgun attack speed? Prior to 12.4.4 it looked like the bonus puncture was actually working. I'm not so sure now but yeah if you guys have any input it would greatly be appreciated.

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The problem was that accelerated blast increased puncture from BASE than the damage type so it made very high amounts of damage.


The mods add to the damage type specified, let's say one weapon deals 100 puncture and you add a 30% puncture bonus, you'll end up getting 130

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No, it was fixed. Taken from the wiki: "Prior to Update 12.4, at base level the mod was increasing puncture damage by adding 22% rather than 15, causing unusually large boosts in Puncture damage as a result. It was also adding puncture damage based on the weapon's total base damage rather than just the puncture damage. These bugs have been fixed."


Sounds like a good fix to me.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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No, it was fixed. Taken from the wiki: "Prior to Update 12.4, at base level the mod was increasing puncture damage by adding 22% rather than 15, causing unusually large boosts in Puncture damage as a result. It was also adding puncture damage based on the weapon's total base damage rather than just the puncture damage. These bugs have been fixed."


Sounds like a good fix to me.

Yeah I read about that, whoever if accelerated blast adds 60% at max level shouldn't I see the puncture damage in my load out like I used to? Granted yeah I was getting 1000+ puncture just by adding it to the phage, however now. Even with it working, if I add 60% puncture it now shows that it added nothing.

Am I correct in assuming since the phage has 0% BASE puncture, that no matter how much puncture I add will never really add?

( remember these are just examples)

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IPS mods have never worked with non IPS weapons, for the simple fact that they use the base value


60% of zero is still zero 



for a while, rending strike and accelerated blast still worked like they did in damage 1.0, but since have been fixed, with the latter being fixed much later

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Also, givin this information you guys so kindly educated me on, using the phage with shotgun spazz is excellent. Trying to add the extra 60% is a waste when it comes to damage output unless your willing to drop ammo mutate. In my case, that's not an option.


Yup. As stated by a few others, accelerated blast will only work well with a weapon that has actual puncture damage. Phage + Accelerated Blast = pretty much a waste. It's still a great mod, however....just not for Phage.

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