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A Little Clarity On Death Marks And Their Events, Please?



I've been farming the G3 for quite a while. After nearly 100 missions I ALMOST have my Brakk (getting this thing's been a face melter), 3 Natural Talents, 2 Split Chambers, and a bevy of both Rare 5 cores and Neurodes. 


Here's my problem. When I am with a marked group and the G3 appear, there is no way of knowing who they're actually targeting. I ran a few missions on Sedna and it turns out that I had lost my mark somewhere along the lines. How do we know who has lost their mark? 


Also, I have been marked by the Harvester since update 12 hit PS4, and haven't seen him at all. I'm starting to believe the Harvester is a myth. I've died several times since I was marked, but does that mean I lose it? Since it's a DEATH mark, and I have died, does it go away, or does it only go away when you encounter the special enemy the mark is linked to?


Also, what is the maximum percentage chance that a 4 person marked team has of encountering their specific mark? For that matter, what is the individual chance? 


And DE, would it be possible to have certain events/areas that boost that chance?

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I think it would be nice to have a counter for marks, but then to solve your current problem given the current state of the game, i think it would be good for you to run invasion runs so you keep getting mark While hunting for G3 (or harvester). More is merrier.

Edited by sorq
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Here's all i know


Harvester is not a myth.


Dying under normal circumstances does not remove the mark


5% chance i believe, with 4 people. (not 100% sure on the numbers tho)


NO boost is coming.




while the only time i fought the G3 it was a solo run (so i dont know how their mark mechanics work) i know lotus informs. After you fight the why not take part in an invasion right after the mission ? It'll help 

everyone in you party get the mark.


Do survivals, if the hunter isn't there for the first 5 mins, he's not coming.


I would love an event like this !


good luck farming the brakk, it's B!tchin 

Edited by Sunfaiz
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I've been farming the G3 for quite a while. After nearly 100 missions I ALMOST have my Brakk (getting this thing's been a face melter), 3 Natural Talents, 2 Split Chambers, and a bevy of both Rare 5 cores and Neurodes. 


Here's my problem. When I am with a marked group and the G3 appear, there is no way of knowing who they're actually targeting. I ran a few missions on Sedna and it turns out that I had lost my mark somewhere along the lines. How do we know who has lost their mark? 


Also, I have been marked by the Harvester since update 12 hit PS4, and haven't seen him at all. I'm starting to believe the Harvester is a myth. I've died several times since I was marked, but does that mean I lose it? Since it's a DEATH mark, and I have died, does it go away, or does it only go away when you encounter the special enemy the mark is linked to?


Also, what is the maximum percentage chance that a 4 person marked team has of encountering their specific mark? For that matter, what is the individual chance? 


And DE, would it be possible to have certain events/areas that boost that chance?




1. no way of knowing who lost the mark but i RAELLY recomment when G3 farming do it in invations not other missions. (just do invation and support the corpas over and over) reasons A: manny players lie about having a mark and after 5 invation missions they all have one... B.you finish a level between 4 and 5 min.. exactly the time when G3 appear. C: i got all my parts from invations, becouse i think i got lucky there the most.


About the chances, No One Knows, but they do spawn more Chances in  a group, don't let anyone tell you it's 5 % or 100 % .. no one knows exactly it could be 90 and 25'000 people in the game are just unlucky .. but from what people wrote down it's ABOUT 3% with a full group of people ... and about 1.5 % if your alone.  don't let anyone tell you they spawn here more or less and ect... it's bull .. every level besides bosses and void has equel chance (offcures need to fight the grinir)


about the harvester you where just UNLOCKY exactly like the G3 mark.. just the oposide.. support the greener... and fihgt the corpas.. exactly the same chances... it's all math.random .. or like people say RNG ... 


DONT TRY TO DO BOTH MARKS either do G3, OR do Harvester... i don't know hwo they programeed the game, and it shouldn't make any difference but it could couse bugs that can lead for not good odds... Do one and then do the other..

and do it at invations !! not normal levels...


when you die you lose the mark you got in that level and have to go through 5 more levels of the supporting team to get the mark again... (if g3 you die you get a lock on you so easy to know)


about the boost chances...


that's the point of random to make it prestege... and really hard to get.. (that's how you put intrest in the game and keep people on it and not leaving the game untill next event) 

it's a math.random comment they probebly seed it by the time you enter the game or start a level and probebly saved on a server.. so no way of changing it...or knowing when they will come.



just enjoy the game man.. don't try to farm it so you'll get it a month eartlier... 

just play levels... play alerts.. play void... help players... play the solar system and EVENTUALLY you'll get it

i promiss you this bp will be avilable for allot of time months from now... so just don't try to push it just to get it a week before time..



have fun !!!!


if you have any more question message me in game "shayvidas" or just ask ..:)

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If you get the Harvester trying to farm the Brakk, you aren't doing it right.

I was afraid that I was being unclear... What I meant by bringing up the Harvester was to give another mark boss example. I realize that the differences in farming for both, but I wanted to bring up something else as more of a general idea.

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...I would love an event like this !

You and me both! So far, it's been exhilarating when the Grustrag 3 pop and we get to fight them. It's been the highlight of the freaking game for me lately! I think this would be a great week long event or something. Something to get players appetites whetted for hunting bigger game.

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