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A Few Question By A Not Too Much Expert Player



Hi everybody, I'm learning this game day after day, and I really like it, but it's also a little difficult to learn all the aspects of warframe/weapons/mod/etc. So I have a few question for you:


- Does it make sense to apply the fusion core directly on the card of the 4 abilities of my warframe? Or it's better to apply the mod that directly will prove the power,range, efficency, etc.(like stretch for example) ? I don't understand perfectly the difference between these two type of upgrades


- what does it mean the diciture written on the cards: "C1", "C2" and goes on?


- I have completed 4 planets with the mission, but I can't still find the mod card that will improve the abilities, like as descrived above, "strect" ? there is a particular mission where I can find them with a more likely probabilty?



Thank you, and sorry for my english!

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13 answers to this question

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1) Yes, it does. All the mod cards which increase power efficiency, range, damage etc. all increase them by percentages, whereas ranking up your power cards increases the base. Therefore, ranking up your power cards will increase the effectiveness of your powers while also allowing your mods to have a greater effect.


2) Those are conclave ratings. C1, for example, means that it adds 1 point to the conclave rating of that weapon.


3) Mods are dropped by specific enemies. Use the warframe wiki to help out, or fill out your Codex by scanning enemies with Codex Scanners from the market. 

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1. Upgrading abilities will significantly expand their capability, which could be base damage, range, maximum target, etc. It would be better to max those first rather than any external mods like Stretch and the others.


2. Those numbers were Conclave ratings, and only usable to give your current setup a rating for conclave (or PvP) maps, which is tiered by numbers.


3. Try searching through the wikia http://warframe.wikia.com . Even though it's fan-based, but it's still the most expansive database for it if you haven't unlocked all the Codex entries.

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When you go to rank up your ability cards, you can use any mods in your inventory.  The difference between Fusion cores and regular mod card is that you cant equip Fusion Cores, they're just for ranking up other mods.  Fusing two ability cards wont do anything other than rank up the primary card.  (The one in the fusion slot, on the left side of the screen.) 


Putting Stretch into Fireball wont increase just Fireballs range, it will increase all of it's stats (damage and range) 

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 I think he meant fusing stretch into fireball to make fireball rank up. But that was very ambiguous.


Also, dont do that. Fuse stretch into stretch, dont fuse anything but other abilities and cores into your abilities. Never fuse mismatched polarities, its a waste of potential mod points.

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Fusing cores onto Warframe 4 main abilities are bit of a waste.

Chances are, you're only gonna use 2 or just 1 of the abilities as you get into the more difficult planets.


You'll be better off saving them for Weapon mods e.g. Serration and Warframe mods e.g. Streamline (Efficiency) 

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Well, thank you so much for the replies! I have ranked up my ecxalibur abilities (rush and javelin) and the difference is terrific! I hope to find also some mods now..


last question:  can I use the same upgraded mod on a different warframe? For example, if I upgrade the mod that enhance the health or the shield, can I use the same mod with.. say mag?

Edited by (PS4)jimmix93
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Well, thank you so much for the replies! I have ranked up my ecxalibur abilities (rush and javelin) and the difference is terrific! I hope to find also some mods now..


last question:  can I use the same upgraded mod on a different warframe? For example, if I upgrade the mod that enhance the health or the shield, can I use the same mod with.. say mag?

Yes, you can.

The effect of those mods will vary based on the frame's starting attributes though.

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Well, thank you so much for the replies! I have ranked up my ecxalibur abilities (rush and javelin) and the difference is terrific! I hope to find also some mods now..


last question:  can I use the same upgraded mod on a different warframe? For example, if I upgrade the mod that enhance the health or the shield, can I use the same mod with.. say mag?


Tell you what i have a mod you can have for free, its rare and its called streamline ill trade it to you but first you have to have a clan key youll have to look up how to get one since its been a while


in the trading section of the in game chat scroll down till you find my name Keiji_Haku and click on it and then click talk

Say streamline cookie so i know its you


Im on every night around 10pm eastern time

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Tell you what i have a mod you can have for free, its rare and its called streamline ill trade it to you but first you have to have a clan key youll have to look up how to get one since its been a while


in the trading section of the in game chat scroll down till you find my name Keiji_Haku and click on it and then click talk

Say streamline cookie so i know its you


Im on every night around 10pm eastern time



Well, thank you, but since I'm Italian I can't find you on the trade section.. I already have a clan key ;)

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Most people have answered fairly thoroughly, but I'll add my input anyways.


1. There's not a huge difference between putting in cards that enhance the abilities and just upgrading the ability cards themselves. However, upgrading the ability cards will tend to upgrade 1-3 stats that you would need 1-3 other cards to accomplish. For instance Mag's Pull ability: It's damage can be increased by Intensify while it's range can be increased by Stretch. That's two cards you would need to increase it's stats. If you just upgrade the skill itself, you will be upgrading it's damage AND range! So in general it's best to upgrade the skill first, then add enhancing cards. I would suggest finding each frames best abilities and upgrading and equipping only those. Most frames have 2 really good abilities and I only use those so that I save mod points for the cards to enhance those 2 abilities. Some frames, however have 4 great skills and you want all of them equipped. These frames can be difficult if you don't have a reactor. Remember to equip an aura asap on a new warframe, if you have one. It will give you a lot more points to work with.


2. Conclave rating. Don't worry about those numbers at all unless you are gearing up to do conclave at that moment. 


3. It took me a while to find the ability enhancing mods as well (Stretch, Flow, Streamline, Intensify, Continuity) but eventually I got them. Only had to specifically farm for 2 by staying in survival and defense missions to the point where they were said to drop as rewards. Just check the wiki as others have said. You don't necessarily have to do high level survival/defense either. Just check to see what tier of survival/defense it drops from. I remember farming for one of them on Mercury survival. If perhaps you get sick of farming, I am selling Flow, Streamline, and Stretch each for 2P. But you should be able to find them fairly easily. Good luck!


4. Yes. You can use all the mods besides the frames specific ability mods on any frame. Some mods work better on certain frames though. Shields (Redirection) works great on all frames no matter what their base shields are. But Steel Fiber works best on frames with high armor like Valkyr. 

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