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...why Do You Taunt Us De?


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I finally got my first invasion-potatoe in a long time but i would appreciate it if the invasions had a timewindow of, let's say 2 hours before they are gone, not depending on completion of missions. The stronger side wins, depending on completed missions but the time is still 2hours.

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Same here.

 I entered when the progress was at 1.2%


Seriously guys, this sucks!

Everyone is rushing it and thus almost noone gets the rewards.


Maybe just make an invasion last at least 12 hours or something.

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Well, I gotta say I barely made it in time, this time. This player-driven invasion system need some change, really. If invasion go on like this, some high demand awarded mission will be done in a flash, and there'll be ton of ppl who know about the mission too late to actually win it. That's insane.

ฺSeriously though, I wonder if DE even gonna look about this at all, they doesn't seems to care. Why did they bother putting up feedback forum if they ain't gonna read it, I wonder...

Edited by Habataki
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Yep, I also had this happen to me... 2,5% was left when i went into the fifth and final invasion and after i completed the mission i didnt get the blueprint. I mean like, seriously, DE? When you enter the invasion with 2,5% left, that means that its STILL ONGOING. so that means the effort that i put into my fifth fight against the corpus should still count towards my progress! I was so upset when i got robbed of a catalyst in this way for the second time, and I feel like I deserved that catalyst blueprint, along with all the others who were busy with there fifth invasion, even after it was completed. Come on DE, we earned that reward and you know it. These small issues frustrate me beyond belief...

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