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Why In Nine Circles Of Hell Is Word "#$$" Offensive Word?


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Just noticed that people in general chat were being kicked by the KickBot by saying word "g.ay" in any context whatsoever, myself included.


What. The. F***. Seriously?




There are 4 different meanings listed in that dictionary for word "g.ay". None of which is even remotely derogatory, even though it is occasionally used as insult (a very dumb insult, while we're at it). If that is the only reason for it being a kickable offense, by same logic words "monkey", "cow" and "retard" should also be banned.


I find it far more insulting for it to be considered offensive word than when people actually use it as insult.


I know you Americans are all touchy-feely when it comes to offensiveness and censorship, but for Gods sake, stop. Just stop.


EDIT: The word "g.ay" is apparently also censored on forums. God@(*()$dammit.

Edited by Fenrisulfr
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Its a little hard to tell what word you mean, is it the rude but still common version for butt also known as a donkey subform ?

Or is it the common short cut for homosexual people that still gets used more as an offense ?

Edited by Ttariel
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Just noticed that people in general chat were being kicked by the KickBot by saying word "#$$" in any context whatsoever, myself included.


What. The. F***. Seriously?




There are 4 different meanings listed in that dictionary for word "#$$". None of which is even remotely derogatory, even though it is occasionally used as insult (a very dumb insult, while we're at it). If that is the only reason for it being a kickable offense, by same logic words "monkey", "cow" and "retard" should also be banned.


I find it far more insulting for it to be considered offensive word than when people actually use it as insult.


I know you Americans are all touchy-feely when it comes to offensiveness and censorship, but for Gods sake, stop. Just stop.


EDIT: The word "g.ay" is apparently also censored on forums. God@(*()$dammit.

Just throwing it out there, but DE is Canadian

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Yeah the problem is that while the word itself is not to bad even for &*$$sexual people, way to many are inmature when it comes to it and use it as an offense.


(The correct term for ths type of sexuality is censored ? haha DE might wanna take a look at this)

Edited by Ttariel
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Online gaming communities are notorious for being very immature and agressive. The term "gạy" used in a derogatory way by a sizeable number of members, which I guess is what they tried to prevent by censoring it.


And by doing so, they are actually enforcing the derogatory meaning. Even so, censorship is not the answer to this. I'd rather take the insult rather than have half of my sentence be censored because someone, somewhere might be slightly offended because same word has alternative meaning.

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Hey. This game needs to be made safe for kids!

Be responsible!

Stop using those crude words!


(implied sarcasm)


I agree, there is no reason to censor something that people are just going to find alternate ways to say out loud, anyways.

What we need is moderation, not censorship.

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As a bisexual polyamorous man, I usually sit back and enjoy the show with a smile when things like this get surfaced in the forums. I usually leave satisfied with the entertainment :)


Edit: Also, none of those two words are censored. I win! :D

Edited by Mankeulv
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Now that would be full-on ridiculous.


Hey. This game needs to be made safe for kids!

Be responsible!

Stop using those crude words!


(implied sarcasm)


I agree, there is no reason to censor something that people are just going to find alternate ways to say out loud, anyways.

What we need is moderation, not censorship.


Agreed, and well said.


Also, as Steve Hughes used to say in his routines: "You're offended? So @(*()$ what?"

Sad thing being, I don't even know who finds "g.ay" offensive. Well, beside religious fanatics and 12-year old kids on the internet.


Although I'm not one, I personally have several bi and homosexual friends, and I know for a fact that they do find quite offensive when word g.ay is being censored. When I think of it, I don't remember when was the last time they called themselves "homosexuals", as opposed to "g.ay", which is used much more often.

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Actually it's spammed all the time as an "insult" in America.

Well, less so now and days, but yeah.


Also, chill the bloody hell out. This is the last thing you need to swear up and down like a sailor about.

People have pointed it out before. Send in a ticket if it bugs you that much.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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The intention, as with any censorship, is to prevent the use of the word to insult or offend people. We're in a world where homophobia and gay bashing is rampant, and scarily, acceptable in some nations. However, censoring the words makes zero difference. In any situation where someone would use the word offensively, and it was censored, the meaning of the word would be understood just fine from context. So it really shouldn't be censored, because as it's been mentioned, people find it more offended when the word IS censored.

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The better question is, why is there any cenorship? The game is rated M for mature. That means you should be old enough that you can take seeing curse words. We're all adults here




i hope a dev reads this topic and replies with a constructive answer ... or else i'll bump the topic till we get it 

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I'm offended that bisexual and heterosexual aren't censored but &*$$sexual is.  I demand an "all or nothing" policy on sexual preferences.




Not that it matters if words are censored or not.  The intention of the curse or "offensive" word doesn't diminish so long as context is applied.

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