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Idea For The System Of Warframes Prime


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I think the Warframes Prime must be skins of the original (Like Proto-Excalibur) with rare properties and not other Warframe. This can help with a better distribution of the inventory and save a couple of slots.


Good idea, I remember seeing a post somewhere in the forums that the Primes were supposed to be just skins. But since they actually made Excalibur Prime as a separate Warframe, they just decided to run with that.

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Less slots bought = less money for DE.


Besides, while I can understand skins changing stats, how are the polarities supposed to work?


And - personally - I like having both Rhino and Rhino Prime.


Literally no reason to change that. The system is fine as it is now.

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Too late, primes are already separate frames and not skins. I also personally like having both, especially with how immortal skins work. Not really seeing the inherent benefit either, other than an attempt to allow people to have more open slots if they don't bother to level a prime version.

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Its an idea for sure.  Give how the only real Noticeable difference in a Prime Warframe and a Non-Prime is Rhinos speed, and Polorlty slots..    


I would say they need to bump the base stats of Primes.  Given them more base hp, shield, etc etc.  They are suppose to be Prime Versions.   Originals in there purest State.   So should be tougher then the non prime versions.

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But the Mastery!


And to the gent above me I'm against that, there'll be alot of "Primes ONLY" when trying to get into ODD and other T3-(Maybe soon to be T4 content). On top of that by the time you have a full Prime the game's too easy to even bother with being even Stronger. Look at Rhino for instance, Bacon Prime nullifies any need for Saryn, Ash. Ember, Banshee, Frost, AND Valkyr. 


Also for this argument I quote a forum member:

"Can you stop with this nonsense already, or we might hear bs like 'what good is cannon for if its made of glass => give Nova Iron Skin!' and the fabulous Loki Prime with 1000 shileds and health.  Because lets stack all the strenghts at one frame and make it excell at every role right? Tankiness, CC immunity. team damge buff, massive CC, still not enough -  lets make it fastest frame in the game too, or god forbid people chose other frames to play."

That's 1/3 of all frames that have been totally forsaken.

Edited by un1337ninj4
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I think the Warframes Prime must be skins of the original (Like Proto-Excalibur) with rare properties and not other Warframe. This can help with a better distribution of the inventory and save a couple of slots.

It wont happen.

DE already mentioned how that was the original purpose of the primes, but because they were too hasty releasing Excalibur prime, and did so as a new frame, they screwed that plan up.

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There are various reasons why I have to say no... some of which have been stated here already:


  • Mastery Points... Obviously the biggest problem... Remove all Points gained through Primes?
  • Polarities
  • Differing stats like Rhino Prime's speed (and probably more to come in the future)
  • Prime weapons... What about them? Do the same? You better not even mention that because people would rage all over.
  • What about people who already bought Prime Access ? Reverting the full Warframe back to a skin that's worth 30$ (difference between Roar/Charge or Blaze/Flare packs)... ugh. Refund everything?
  • Same for damn Warframe/Weapon slots... Refund every platinum purchased exactly for the reason of Primes?
  • What about the Prime trading? I guess many people who dumped their Plat in trading wouldn't be happy if they are reverted to skins.


I think that it would cause more trouble than it would solve.


So I would be in favor if the Prime Warframes get a little bit buffed over their originals... like 10-15% - nothing serious - so they eventually differ from the ripped off standard version.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Its an idea for sure.  Give how the only real Noticeable difference in a Prime Warframe and a Non-Prime is Rhinos speed, and Polorlty slots..    


I would say they need to bump the base stats of Primes.  Given them more base hp, shield, etc etc.  They are suppose to be Prime Versions.   Originals in there purest State.   So should be tougher then the non prime versions.


They aren't. DE confirmed as much in livestream, as far as I know.

Primes were used a long time ago, but they arent better per se. They were just used for different purposes. Modern warframes are made for efficiency. So, neither are better, lore-wise, they just serve different roles. Gameplay-wise, the miniscule bonus stats are meant to provide some incentive for players to get them other than just vanity.

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