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Default Energy Color


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A lot of frames and weapons have a specific out-of-the-box default energy color, affecting abilities or projectiles.

Example: Ignis flame color, Ash's transparent smoke screen, various projectile weapons, Saryn's greenish Miasma, etc...


The problem is, some of them disappear for good the moment you enter the color customization screen.

And get replaced, for the most part, by that deep blue default color. 

Without even changing any color in the scheme. Just entering the screen is enough.


Well, you're gonna say, you just have to find the matching color through the multitude of palettes available for sale.

Except you don't know which one, there are so many nuances around the same color tone, not to mention they don't always match the in-game color

For example, Saryn's default color for Miasma is a yellow tone, not so green. It took me an hour to find a close match, and it's still not the exact same color. I would need to buy yet another palette for that same color, and it's a little steep for just one color.

And there are colors you can't reproduce, like Ash's Smoke Screen transparency. Even the darkest black is tainted in comparaison.


This issue has been around since you implemented Energy color customization, and has been fixed on some pieces of equipment.

But I just lost the default energy color on my newly aquired Detron (shame on me for wanting to customize any other color!!), which makes me wanna raise the issue again.


So I'm asking a simple question:


Can the Default Energy Color match the out-of-the-box default color once and for all?

The same thing you did with Ignis default flame color?


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Nope, it doesn't restore the out-of-the-box energy color. And as soon as you chose another preset, the default color is changed to blue.


Note that it only affects very specific weapons/frames abilities, for which the default energy color is not blue.

Try this with a Saryn or an Ash: everything you cast will be blue. Whereas Saryn abilities were originally yellow/green, and Ash's were "smoky" (transparent).

Edited by Thelonious
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  • 2 weeks later...

i just like to confirm that i got this bug on my Saryn as well.

and it is not only a apparence issue but also a gameplay, since none of colors that are unlocked by default is actualy bright. that makes Saryn's spores much harder to see.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I found another glitch relating to this. So, I just got my Dual Heat Swords from the foundry, and i took them for a spin. They were pretty cool looking, and I took note of their colour (specifically the glowing red marks on them), their swing colour (the after-image/swooshy effect from swinging them was white), and their channeling colour which made them glow white. Then, after my mission, I went to the appearance tab and clicked restore default colours for the dual heat swords. At first, I saw no change. Then when I got into game the swing colour and channeling colour of the dual heat swords was changed to the deep red of the glowing markers on the swords. It seems, fresh from the foundry, weapons and warframes can have several different colours for their glowing bits and their different special effects. But when you change the energy colour or decide to reset it to default all special effects and glowy bits on the weapons and waframes changes to 1 shared colour.

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