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Return The Old Arsenal Menu


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I'm just wondering what has happened to the arsenal menu, i was just comparing the old screenshot of mine with the one i just took. And the older one looks so much nicer and cleaner, plus the lighting looks much better... While now its looks more cluttered and there's no definition to the armor of the character because of the dark background.

So can we please see a return to the old menu style or at least something similar? :)


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When you have DoF on, the background gets blurry to put the Frame forward. However, I think a light, transparent background may be better for clarity


As for lighting, it's the same lighting. Each Frame has different poses and reflective surfaces, so comparing your shiny Loki with the gritty Proto-Excal isn't a good comparison.



Also, I much prefer that the menu bar and chat are present in the Arsenal. That was a complain many had back then because you were forced to back out if you wanted to look at the chat or to change into a different menu (like the Codex or the Foundry).


What they may need to do is work on their camera work. Sometimes it's very hard to see what colors I'm changing because of the Frame's pose + the camera for that particular weapon-type (melee, primary, secondary)

Edited by Casardis
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Honestly, they probably won't bother fixing that at this point cause it may soon become obsolete, what with the new HUB System going into place in the near/decently near future. All things UI/Lobby/Arsenel/Starchart will be overhauled SoonTM so I doubt bringing back something like this is at the top of their list.


That being said, if all you just want a lighter background, that could be a code or two away, so who knows.

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Imo the blurriness makes it even worse, that's why i have DoF and AA turned off. And while the lighting might be the same, that nice transparent blueish-greenish background may just give you a bit of illusion of a stronger reflections. Though i think that back then the reflections were stronger, my Loki barely looks anything like the one on the screenshot. :/

And your screenshot is a perfect example of my point, you see how everything melts to the background, there's no definition on the character himself.

Edited by Sedihilos
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i liked the old one better for sure but you cant expect them to do this 

I'm not expecting them to return to the exact same menu style, i just hope they will do something to improve it, at least add that color background to make the characters pop-out...

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Imo the blurriness makes it even worse, that's why i have DoF and AA turned off. And while the lighting might be the same, that nice transparent blueish-greenish background may just give you a bit of illusion of a stronger reflections. Though i think that back then the reflections were stronger, my Loki barely looks anything like the one on the screenshot. :/

And your screenshot is a perfect example of my point, you see how everything melts to the background, there's no definition on the character himself.


Not sure why it makes it worse for you, and you don't even explain why. The fact that it blurs the stars, especially when there are lots of stars, like a makeshift light background. In your screenshot where things aren't blurred, it looks even more cluttered because of the high definition of the stars. DoF logic is that things in front look better than the back, and to me that works.


However, I can see that the DoF does make a few edges blurry, which doesn't help if you have dark colors against dark background. This is why I agreed to a certain point, and suggested the point of giving a slight transparent but lighter light behind the Warframe. No need to make it as opaque as U10's Arsenal menu though.


For the rest, however, I prefer the new polished one with the menus and chat.

Edited by Casardis
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