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Is This Critical Hit Thing A Joke?


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Alright everyone.  I"m not gonna lie, I"m a little &!$$ed right now.  Let me set the stage for you: I just solo'd an Infestation Outbreak on Earth.  Halfway through, the Stalker showed up.  I was thinkin "hey, no biggie, I"ve got my Dread with me, my Despair, and my Proto-excal" I'll be fine.  I was effin' wrong.  I drew my dread 100% full charge, and blasted the Stalker in the head.  2100 damage.  Normal damage, not a critical hit.  My dread crits at usually 75k, but at the VERY LEAST it hits 9k.  My Dread has a Critical Hit chance of 125%.  So I hit the stalker, in the head, and did 2100.  He, of course, stood up, teleported over, and instantly killed me with one swing of the Hate.  By the way, who the F*** whined so DE would buff him?  I'd like to beat whoever that was into a bloody pulp because the Stalker was just fine the way he was....OK fine, maybe he needed a buff to his health a little bit, but there was no reason to make him able to one-hit everything! Stalker discussion is for another forum post through.  This is me raging about what the F*** is wrong with critical hits.  



The funny thing is, after the stalker instakilled me, I shot 2 ancients with my Dread.  49,800 damage each.  That's how powerful the dread is supposed to be...so why did it fail me the one time I needed it? If it was less than 100% critical hit chance, I'd chalk it up to bad luck but I HAVE ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT Critical hit chance.  NEVER should an arrow not crit.  What is going on?  Is the crit chance bugged?  Is it impossible to get a critical hit against the stalker, because that's one way to make him more powerful/annoying????



I'm no noob raging about a stalker encounter here.  I've played since Update 6.  I've killed the stalker so many times it's not even funny.  I have, as of yet, died 3 times from the stalker.  Once, when I was leveling Nekros in Update 9.  And twice this week, since DE buffed him for no reason.  It's not a "battle" anymore, it's whoever can shoot first becomes victorious.  And even then, that didn't work out because I should have gotten him.


Now, this is how Stalker encounters work: Either kill him before he stands up.  Or die. Period.  Where's the fight?  Where's the fun in that?   It's either get him quickly, i.e. shooting an immobile target before he stands up, or get teleported to and instakilled.  Not to mention the fact that radial blind, rhino stomp, frost's snow globe, everything is useless against him.


What are your thoughts on this?  I can include my Dread's full stat sheet, but I do 2600 normal damage, I have a 4.4 Crit multiplier, and 125% crit chance.

Edited by DJ-7809
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You got taken by surprise when your bow shots didn't work as you expected and died. Then you whine like there is no possible way to be him.

I never said it wasn't possible.  I'm questioning how it's possible to not crit with a 125% critical hit chance.  I have slaughtered the stalker many times, I"m trying to understand if there's something wrong with the system of the crits, or if it's simply impossible to critical hti against the stalker.  You come accross as hostile, I don't think that's helpful at all.

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I never said it wasn't possible.  I'm questioning how it's possible to not crit with a 125% critical hit chance.  I have slaughtered the stalker many times, I"m trying to understand if there's something wrong with the system of the crits, or if it's simply impossible to critical hti against the stalker.  You come accross as hostile, I don't think that's helpful at all.

In all fairness you came across as hostile as well.


But maybe it is a mechanic to do with the stalker, perhaps you have a crit de-buff against his so that normally a 100% chance is not.

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I never said it wasn't possible.  I'm questioning how it's possible to not crit with a 125% critical hit chance.  I have slaughtered the stalker many times, I"m trying to understand if there's something wrong with the system of the crits, or if it's simply impossible to critical hti against the stalker.  You come accross as hostile, I don't think that's helpful at all.


Have you read your own post dude? You comment directly on the state of the stalker fight. Not just about how crits are.

And your entire post is an actual example as coming of as hostile. I'm just telling you like it is, no hard feelings.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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Have you read your own post dude?

Yes, and what I said was 1. What is wrong with the crits? 2. Why did the stalker get buffed in damage, instead of just health? 3. It's either kill him before he stands up, or die instantly.


If you read through my entire post, you won't come across as blatantly oblivious and ferociously hostile.

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Was stalker supposed to be a joke?..I was under the impression that stalker,g3,sanuka, that sort of random encounter was supposed to be  difficult. first time i ran into stalker i was honestly disappointed by how simple he is, Im glad that they improved him. I hope he's more a long the lines of what he should of been...Perhaps that problem isn't that your crit didn't work but that you expected to simply instakill him like you've become accustomed to doing for some time now.


I can understand frustration and disappointment. 


Better luck next time. 

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If he received a buff it is probably mitigating the damage your Dread normally does. We just have to evade him a little sometimes now. You'll probably get him next time now that you know what to expect. He came after me this morning and managed to stand up, but he still folded faster than Superman on laundry day.

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Stalker got buffed, deal with him. I far prefer the stalker being a monster than a loot piñata.

I'm not saying he should be easy.  I'm saying there's no battle to it, it's either kill him the second he shows up, or be instantly killed when he stands up and teleports to you, decapitating you.  I'd prefer it if his damage is halved, but he gets like 12k health.  Then it would be a seemingly fair battle, something that's drawn out instead of being a 12 second encounter.  When I kill the stalker, I want it to be at great cost to my ammunition and health, don't get me wrong.  I'm not crying for him to be easy.  I'm saying it's this 12 second either one-hit him or he one-hits you.


I have before. Many times I"ve obliterataed the stalker, but I'm questioning why he was buffed in the first place, and if this is the right direction to go with this complex character?

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Was stalker supposed to be a joke?..I was under the impression that stalker,g3,sanuka, that sort of random encounter was supposed to be  difficult. first time i ran into stalker i was honestly disappointed by how simple he is, Im glad that they improved him. I hope he's more a long the lines of what he should of been...Perhaps that problem isn't that your crit didn't work but that you expected to simply instakill him like you've become accustomed to doing for some time now.


I can understand frustration and disappointment. 


Better luck next time. 

Well, I never said he should be a joke.  I"m saying DE took something that could be awesome, hard, drawn-out battle to the death, and shortened it to 12 seconds.  If you don't kill him before he stands up from kneeling, he one-hits you.  I WANT the stalker to be hard, but I want it to feel like a battle, not a 12-second skirmish.  I'm a pretty powerful Tenno, I feel like his damage should be halved, but his shields and health buffed to like 12k apiece, so if you evade SOME of his attacks, you MIGHT be able to get him, instead of getting one-hit.  I like a difficult stalker, but this is a little ridiculous.

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You got taken by surprise when your bow shots didn't work as you expected and died. Then you whine like there is no possible way to beat him.

To be fair, there is no reason to have your weapon magically fail on you on the hardest enemy in the game for no discernible reason. That's nothing but artificial difficulty.

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I'm not saying he should be easy.  I'm saying there's no battle to it, it's either kill him the second he shows up, or be instantly killed when he stands up and teleports to you, decapitating you.  I'd prefer it if his damage is halved, but he gets like 12k health.  Then it would be a seemingly fair battle, something that's drawn out instead of being a 12 second encounter.  When I kill the stalker, I want it to be at great cost to my ammunition and health, don't get me wrong.  I'm not crying for him to be easy.  I'm saying it's this 12 second either one-hit him or he one-hits you.

I have before. Many times I"ve obliterataed the stalker, but I'm questioning why he was buffed in the first place, and if this is the right direction to go with this complex character?

See, the problem is that a complex and interesting Stalker fight would require

1. DE to not have a bizarre quasi-religious objection to scaling content to the number of players.

2. DE to have an actual competent AI coder instead of a trained monkey.

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