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The New Water Frame (Hydroid) Hype And Anticipation Megathread


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Edit: Anyone else notice the water figure behind him

Water Clone Jutsu o_0



Added overview from Devstream 26:


Water Frame! "HYDROID"
-Stream delay was because uploading DEV BUILD. Nothing is finalized!
-"We should make our subreddit happy and..." -Rebecca
-"People were drawing pirate hats on the subreddit" -Steve
-Triton Alt Helmet: Squid/Pirate head!
-New Sentinel Skins! (Carrier Skin, "Para") Parrot time!
-Pirate theme gave it some depth
-Playstyle: hybrid caster/tank, all-round (even stealth)
-So many dangly bits!
-Tempest Barrage - Long ranged cannon barrage, orbital artillery strike
-Tidal Surge - Turn into a tidal wave, boost forward, pushes AI down and together with DoT. Crowd control
-Undertow - Craziest power: turn into a puddle! Cannot be detected by AI as puddle. If enemy walks over puddle, you can absorb them into the puddle and do DoT!
-Deep Dark Sea - Tentacles! RELEASE THE KRAKEN! Grab and fling AI once deployed from the ground
Polls for a name change proposal:
by kuliise:
by ViLeDeth:
Edited by Tulzscha
added summary from Devstream 26, and links to polls for name change proposals
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