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The New Water Frame (Hydroid) Hype And Anticipation Megathread


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But seems to be a good "OH S#&$!" button if you are surrounded and low on Shields, since they recharge while like this as well and enemy ignore you, it will be used more for Ultility than damage.

The image in my head for that just seems so amusing.


Our new, fearless pirate-frame finds himself surrounded by enemy Grineer

His Attica is out of bolts and his shields are low

There are too many to take on hand-to-hand

The only thing left to do is...

*turns into a puddle*

"...are they gone yet?"

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Its a bad name.


Hydro = Water... Android... I get it, but its not good, doesn't fit a Warframe, doesn't fit a Pirate, it sounds out of place.


Should be something like Nautilus, Nemo, Dagon, Triton, anything but Hydroid. 



"oid" means "appearance of"(but isn't).


"Android" is "andro" (man)+"oid"(appearance of). "Looks like a man(but isn't)"


"Asteroid". "Aster"(star)+"oid"(appearance of). "Looks like a star(but isn't)"


"Hemorrhoid". "Hemo"(blood)+"rhe"(flow)+"oid"(appearance of). "Looks like flowing blood(but isn't)".


So, "Hydroid"is "Hydro"(water)+"oid"(appearance of). "Looks like water(but isn't)".


ADDITIONALLY, as a real-world reference, a "Hydroid" is an animal that functions vaguely like a jellyfish,  has lots of tentacles, looks like water in most conditions, and like jellyfish, can deliver quite a sting.


It's a great name! It looks like water, but it isn't. It has lots of tentacles and a helluva sting. It's a Hydroid, if anything ever was.


Of your suggestions:

Nemo means "without a name", and is most commonly associated with clownfish.

"Dagon" means "grain",

"Nautilus" means "sailor"(I guess this is vaaaaaaaaaaaaaguely okay). Is also the name of a shellfish.

"Triton" means "of three", and is the name of a mermaid race. Is also the name of another shellfish.


Hydroid is clearly better than all of those. There's no shells involved. It's not a mermaid. It's a thing that looks like water, but is not.

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All hail the Hemorrhid who's first symptoms are a mild bunch of itchy splats, followed by a oozing wave of fluid that pushes things apart, and then leaves a big puddle and a stain on your whites, finally strange growths come out of Nowhere and need to be removed by a doctor.


The name is really out of place, and not only that but they are making it harder and harder to pull any kind of consistent lore out of this universe where a war-frame is supposed  to call down a barrage of water cannon from the void (facepalm)


I think what we are suffering from in this development team is an excess of polite agreement and positivity where there should be critical assessment and quality control.


Hydroid sounds either like a something you go to the doctor to cure or a robot that smokes to much weed.


Zephyre is named after a god zephyrus which is why zephyr means light wind


there are a number of water gods that would fit that are not to cliche and could be used as inspiration.


Nereus, Greek old man of the sea

Pontus, Greek Primeval god of the sea

Tangaroa, Maori god of the sea.


there are legendary sailors like Ulysses


so many great sources of good names so why this wet fish?





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Name is ok....


But it doesn't fit the frame imo.  Name is too dull for what the frame has to offer...


Edit:  Vote for Nautilus


Hydros sounds more like a future weapon

Edited by Ishki88
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All hail the Hemorrhid who's first symptoms are a mild bunch of itchy splats, followed by a oozing wave of fluid that pushes things apart, and then leaves a big puddle and a stain on your whites, finally strange growths come out of Nowhere and need to be removed by a doctor.


The name is really out of place, and not only that but they are making it harder and harder to pull any kind of consistent lore out of this universe where a war-frame is supposed  to call down a barrage of water cannon from the void (facepalm)


I think what we are suffering from in this development team is an excess of polite agreement and positivity where there should be critical assessment and quality control.


Hydroid sounds either like a something you go to the doctor to cure or a robot that smokes to much weed.


Zephyre is named after a god zephyrus which is why zephyr means light wind


there are a number of water gods that would fit that are not to cliche and could be used as inspiration.


Nereus, Greek old man of the sea

Pontus, Greek Primeval god of the sea

Tangaroa, Maori god of the sea.


there are legendary sailors like Ulysses


so many great sources of good names so why this wet fish?







If we're being bland, "Tangaroa" sounds like it kills children in africa before the age of five. Beyond that, he's also a god of creation. No murder or tentacles involved.


Nereus is a kind old man. Yeah, that totally fits a murderous squid monster.*eyeroll*


"Pontus" sounds like the guy who killed Jesus, and is merely a personification of water, not an actual creature.


Also, "hemorrhoid" is a physical structure within the body. Inflamation there of is what you're referencing.


It's not "out of place" in any way. We already have another frame named after an animal("Rhino"), we already use latin and greek roots in frame names, ("Nekros", "Trinity", "Mag').


So, you have no valid comment.


Also, I note you don't bother raging against "Valkyr" in your spiel, despite her actually having a really horribly unfitting name. Why not?

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Of your suggestions:

Nemo means "without a name", and is most commonly associated with clownfish.

"Dagon" means "grain",

"Nautilus" means "sailor"(I guess this is vaaaaaaaaaaaaaguely okay). Is also the name of a shellfish.

"Triton" means "of three", and is the name of a mermaid race. Is also the name of another shellfish.

Hydroid is clearly better than all of those. There's no shells involved. It's not a mermaid. It's a thing that looks like water, but is not.

Nemo will forever be linked most strongly with captain NEMO who is the "No Man" or "No One" as the word means, it does not mean "without a name"

Dagon is a God of grain and "FISH" your response makes a half truth which is half a lie and so as good as a lie.

Nautilus does mean sailor so is perfect.

Triton is a God of the Sea and a race of merpeople and an atomic particle.

Edited by Kyphe
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Oh err when did this become about valkre? at least that name sounds good and is in such common use as any generic warrior woman regardless of its origins your whole objection to it is farcical particularly as you go to great pains to point out as many meaning for words as you can find lol

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