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Real Upgrades To Prime Warframes


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Should Prime Warframes be the same as their original Frames or should they at least have bit more kick then usual? I don't mean like little increase on damage or armor, I mean like a new skill that each Prime Frame would have.


For example:


Frost first skill is is shooting a ball of ice, freezing the enemy which is totally lame.




Frost Prime first skill should shoot an icicle at the enemy instead of a snowball at them. Piercing them to walls and such.


Another example is:


Ember first skill is fireball




Ember Prime first skill should be like a flame thrower or some cool lava combustion thingy.



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They really shouldn't. I dont mind a small stat boost in one stat, but thats it (IE: Rhino primes speed stat, Excalibur primes shield regen stat). Prime warframes should mostly be for show and not be better than the non-prime versions by a whole lot, and they definitely shouldn't have alternate abilities.


DE wants to try and make all warframes good options for late/end-game. There shouldn't be such a difference besides a small stat boost in one stat.

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Eh what I'd want for prime frames is more extra functionality in the void.  DE said ages ago that prime stuff  (all prime stuff, not just frames) would work differently in the void and all we've gotten so far is the ability to get some extra energy :|

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I really want they should add at least some more different than the original and primed version.


Just like 1-2 ult are different than the normal...so the purpose of the frame can be change.



Change 1

Frost - snow globe - a globe that can stop bullet and slow enemy within the radius/ currently is for defense use as once it's deployed it will stay as a fixed position.


Frost Prime - snow globe - change to the one that those leader have...a small globe that will follow the player with a small radius and lower health than the normal globe.


Change 2

Ember - fire blast - burning enemy within the radius until it's duration is finished.


Ember prime - fire blast - change to the one that those leader have...a fire that will "clean" the room...knock down every enemy within the radius and giving them fire damage until the duration is finished...



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I dont mind a small stat boost in one stat, but thats it (IE: Rhino primes speed stat


Excal Prime's boost was small. Rhino Prime got a straight-up 11% speed boost.  That's nearly the double the speed boost a Medic in TF2 has over classes like Pyro and Spy, and playing five minutes of Medic is enough to show that the boost (7%) is already a very significant increase.


Primes should be overall sidegrades, but I agree that it would be pretty interesting to "change things up" somewhat. Rhino Prime, for example, should be much faster than the regular Rhino at the cost of a different stat, making him an overall sidegrade with a slightly different niche ("juggernaut" vs "tank").

Edited by SortaRandom
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They should have more kick, at least in the Void. Maybe a boost to health, shields, and damage in the Void.


They have energy restore in the Void, and that's enough. It's an enjoyable gimmick that doesn't change gameplay much in higher levels; anything beyond that without a situational downside to go with it is absolutely unnecessary.

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I think the Primes are fine as they are power-level wise; the only thing I could see them having is a possible extra small "Prime" branch in the upcoming Focus system that gives them some minor boosts (e.g. +Shield regen rate or +10 base armor) that wouldn't have much an impact on balance.

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