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Crosshair Change


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Hi there i would like to pitch the idea to DE of making different Crosshairs for our guns and they can be selected at the Appearance section of your arsenal. make different ones that we can buy too i would pay 5p for a really cool looking crosshair. So theres the idea lets see what can happen. :D

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I always found it a little odd that the reticle was the same for all weapons. Most games make distinctions between weapon types, although I suppose it isn't necessary if a game's mechanics and features don't include things such as projectile spread. I'm sure it would make sense for shotguns vs. other weapon types, however, since shotguns generally have some sort of spread depending on the round type. 

Edited by Barbetti
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well ofcourse do something like this after the important stuff, and im talking about crosshairs that are just different looking not that they would have a specific function unless they can incorporate that which would be cool as well but an indicator that shows for example you have a penta grenade ready to be blown up something to that effect. yeah the shotguns i guess don't really matter unless there is an accuracy crosshair for say the phage and they dont have to be so dynamic that they indicate total spread or accuracy just something to make the tenno feel just as independent as they are part of a team.

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