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That out of the way, please fix them for ps4. I've been farming them since the update and they've only showed up five times. I have three blueprints, no barrel, and no receiver. I've done hundreds of invasions and spent every moment of Warframe time trying to farm it.

We try to do the survival trick, but after you see them it's as if you have a three hour cool down before they show up again. Sometimes they only drop rare mods. When you desecrate at best you'll only get double of what they initially dropped. Sometimes the third guy doesn't show up.

I would rather have the Gradivius event please.

Also it's rumored after the eight days of the event, they won't show up anymore.

We have tried doing a survival for five minutes and then killing the hek or other grineer bosses. If they show up once it doesn't seem to matter. Takes them forever to show up for you.

I would rather trade for it or give up all the rare mods they might drop for parts.

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They will stay long after the event ends and are likely to be in the game forever.


and it is just RNG man they only have a small chance of spawning (Less than 5% I think) they are not broken it is just luck, keep at it man you will get that over-hyped gun eventually.

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