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My Very Own Earth Issue Compendium (26 Issues!)


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I have been running missions (mostly solo) looking for issues. What follows are the issues I have found with the Earth tileset.


Batch 1, a night Exterminate, Part 1 (0-12):

The first batch got cut short because Puush began uploading empty files, and it is too much of a hassle to upload this many screenshots manually.

0: Invisible Walls

Invisible walls are everywhere in this tileset. I realise that You need to limit player movement some because the sky is open and most areas are essentially canyons, but the walls everywhere severely limit the ability to explore. There are areas all over the place that look like they should be accessible, but they are not. How about shoring up some of the holes and then move the walls out somewhat, adding new lootables as well. Some examples of annoying walls:



I am currently up against an invisable roof, meaning that I cannot walk on the top of this structure, only the sides. This is unnecessary limitation.



In this starting tile it makes sense to allow players with movement abilities to skip the little bend that leads to the exit, but an invisible wall makes this impossible. I apologize for the narrow image, it took at least 20 tries to get this much to upload.



Why can't we have free movement on top of this rock to use it as a vantage point to fire down from?



This seems like a logical path and vantage point, but suddenly invisible wall.



This one really doesn't make sense. There are panes of glass on three sides of this room, but there are invisible walls three meters away from them for no apparent reason. It just stops the player unexpectedly.

Issue zero exists because I decided late in the run to make a general issue to do with annoying invisible walls, and I wanted it to be the first issue.


1: Rendering Error





Look where the various terrain meshes intersect. There is a pale line in many all over the tileset. This issue seems get worse as you move away from the objects in question, and suddenly goes away at 20 meters.


2:Prop Placement Error



The edge if this ground piece is totally exposed, and its texturing does not match anything around it.


3: Prop Placement Error



Small bit of a rock sticking out of another rock. Lighting and textures do not match.


4: Prop Placement Error


Pieces of wall are sticking through eachother.


5: Ugly Textureing


The textures do not line up at all across the pieces of this wall.


6: Texture Error


There is a semitransparent round thingy stuck over what looks like multiple plates of metal. If it were totally opaque it would be fine.


7: Waterfall FX Issue


When you get close to this waterfall the primary texture disappears.


8: Waterfall Placement




There are two waterfalls right next to eachother here. The left one seems to have been intended by the person who made the terrain, but the right one passes through three separate rocks on its way down.


9: Lighting Issue


One of the 2d vines behind the lockers in this lootroom is entirely black.


10: Texture Consistancy Issue


The lockers have been retextured to be covered in grime and lichen, but the loghts are the same pristine decals as elsewhere. Do lancers spend their days wandering around polishing the lights? Make grimey decals for these!


11: Bullet Hole Decal Issue


When I shoot where the crosshairs are pointing the sparks appear in the right place, but the decals appear offset right.


12: Map Hole


In the corner there are two gaps that can be seen through.


Edited by egregiousRac
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Batch 1, Part 2 (13-26):

13: Prop Placement Error



There are little bits of a rock sticking through multiple decoration pieces in an area that has grineer-made walls.


14: Light Issue


The dual lamp on the cieling doesn't cast any light, and instead the area has a faint blue ambient light.


15: Prop Placement Error


Random ivy sticking out of the back of this machine.


16: Prop Placement Error


The ivy is sticking up way above the part of the machine it is hanging from.


17: Ivy Needs To Be Dual-Sided


Ivy hangs from things. This means that oftentimes the player can get behind it. It should not be onesided.


18: Prop Placement Error


There are two rocks here, causing one to stick out slightly at random times.


19: Texture Quality Issue


The texture quality on this machine is abysmal, a fact that is made worse by the use of a very high quality decal light on it. Each dot on the decal is about the resolution of the big yellow circular light.


20: Map Hole


There is an invisible wall that keeps the player from falling out, but this is a huge opening to see through.


21: Water Tint Issue


The water in this tile lacks the blue tint when the camera is under it that is seen elsewhere.


22: Invisible Wall Placement Issue


If you are going to disallow exploration down below with an invisible wall bring it in so that you can't fall down to the lower level. Currently you can fall down, but the wall keeps the player from moving down below. This makes it very easy to get stuck down there if playing a character that does not have vertical movement skills.


23: Prop Modeling Error


The tip of the root I am aiming at is missing, allowing the player to see inside.


24: Light Issue


The light appears to be on, but the only light actually casting in the area is my flashlight.


25: Light Ray Issue


The rays are coming out of the light at the end of the tunnel are completely wrong, as is the case for all lights of this style. In the lower image I have shown how the rays should be. 


26: Light Issue


Another light that apears to be active but casts no light.

Edited by egregiousRac
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Good list though I think the brokenly hard Interception missions, the confusing defence-based Sabotage missions, and the enemies falling into "holes" on Gaia should be addressed before these other issues.


I have been enjoying spending a few hours on a run and just logging any issues with the map that I see, because many of these are things that wouldn't generally be reported, but would be good to fix at some point.

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I have been enjoying spending a few hours on a run and just logging any issues with the map that I see, because many of these are things that wouldn't generally be reported, but would be good to fix at some point.

Provided they're actually issues worth sorting out as opposed to, say, getting the next tileset ready for public use.  A lot of the invisible walls are intentional by the way.  Good luck with that one.  We all should know DE's stance towards things they've decided on.

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Provided they're actually issues worth sorting out as opposed to, say, getting the next tileset ready for public use.  A lot of the invisible walls are intentional by the way.  Good luck with that one.  We all should know DE's stance towards things they've decided on.


In many cases invisible walls can either use tweaking or are not needed at all in the Earth tileset. I realise that they are needed around the periphery of each tile and along the top, and there is not much way around that. DE has frequently shown that they want to improve little things and that includes tilesets.

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