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U13 Ideas


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1. i would like in game notifications, freind requests, messages, 

2. ability to send offline messages

3. find keys in seceret rooms in the void, or as rare drops

4. ability to host or join void missions, so that whole process will be easier, and the host would write a breif description of the mission, such as mark alll oxium, or mark all mods, or goal of wave 20, or goal of 35 minutes, also after finishing voids id like it  to keep the party tpogether, and it will show an emblem next to the player supplying the key

5. the cost of void key packs is too expensive, id like to see 75 plat for 20 keys, or 10 plat for 5 keys, then is buy those.

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also when u click to see the full map, id like to see everything''s  actual location, like other members extraction, defense terminals, life support, right now i get lost all the time because of the markers bouncing around or disapering, de plz fix this 

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also id like to see more solar systems, where the tenno have been absent and some have been held captive, and has been allowed to rule for too long, because we couldnt find them, but they have managed to send a distress signal, so lotous calls us to action, we arrive to a wasteland, with bone yards and mid and muck, and we decide that the crimes against these people cannot go on, we must flush out tyhe vile rulers and restore this land, free our fellow tenno, and we ask lotous for the technology to listen for distress signals, so this will never happen again, as we search the land, we will find power cores and minning equipment, as we cripple thir operations and take down their leaders, trees start to grow, and we start to see the land taling shape, so we can give the land back to the people, that werer forced into captivity along with the tenno who tryd to help, but were outnumberd, its time for the calvery to come, we will sound the alarms, take no prisoners, and restore the balance of power

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id also like tenno times, which gives us headlines so we can see how we are affecting our universe good or bad, and we can select missions from there as well,, also aand this is important, more cut scenes, at the beginning and during the missions, like if we do my idea as we arrive we will see our fellow tenno out of stamina and energy, stripped of their weapons, baisically powerless being forced into cages, then as we make progress we see the lotus restoring and reviving them, then frost freezes the gates and busts out, come on guys imagine seeing this, totally awesome, if enough ppl agrees maybe we could see some of this in the next update, so please comment 

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also could we have an overhall to our ships, id like to actually board the ship and activate the take off, also this could lead to more intense missions, such as gathering fuel cells for the ships, or crash landings on uncharted territorys with strange creatures trying to eat us, as we try to repair the ship, or send a dfstress signal, for other ships to rescue us, once we secure the extraction zone, id also like the lotus to send updates on other squads in your clan which is doing the same event, such as if they are in trouble or send a distress signal, so id like to be able to run into other sessions on the same lv if at least player in each squad is in the same  clan, 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I fully endorse this, willsp I think the idea of being able to group up with more than just a party of 4 would be really great to add to the list as well. Running with 2 squads (8 people) would really enhance the fun so long as more and stronger enemies are added with it.

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ah yes  and id also like to be able to pick up exploding containers and throw them, as well as more objects that we can inteeract with, and structures that can be destroyed, so we could kill enimies in more creative ways, also we need a way to boost our credit bonus, by completing missions in under a certain time, or lasting longer in survival, or making to a very high wave in defense, or completing missions without detection, or completing missions with only melee, or achieving a very high hit combo in melee mode, this would give us more to do in these missions, besides looking for a certain reward and completing it, also id like a power buff that increases with higher hit combos, that also boosts credit earnings during a high hit combo, also in a high level defense or survival id like to see a kill counter, wich all of these things will earn extra credits at the end and badges .

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