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I've been playing WarFrame since about 2 months after its release and have collected tons of various mods. most days i feel pretty accomplished playing. however even at rank 30 with maxed out mods, once i get into the 25+ rank missions i begin to struggle. most players i know can solo survival and some defense missions. I've even played with people who have (basically) solo'd the assassination missions and have been able to 4 shot the target. now I've gone through a great deal to get the corrupted and chaos mods, however even with those ranked up i'm still nowhere near these guys. can someone please give me some advice here? i feel like I'm doing something horribly wrong or there's something I'm not seeing. please help.

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13 answers to this question

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We'll need more information than "I have mods"


Which mods? On what weapon? With what frame?


I don't know about those other guys, but even when I decide to solo high level areas I have a bit of trouble. Only reason i'm able to make it sometimes is a massive amount of bastile spam as Vauban and a slow, steady approach.

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Its mostly hyper-scaling weapons & frames that allow this. Nova and Trinity are the worst offenders. I'd say rhino but he's moreso an easy frame to use and less overpowered.


As for the weapons, Soma with full crit mods or a Vectis/Lanka with a few forma can 1-4 shot anything. So can a phage that's properly modded or a boltor/burston prime that's well modded. Latron prime is the semi-auto offender, hitting as hard as snipers with crits.


Generally things like 2x nova damage + lanka will trivialize almost everything. Trinity+Stug+Link+Blessing+Foot shot will trivialize anything int he game that lacks location damage. Generally non-soma automatic weapons are worthless higher on outside of spray and praying armies with puncture. And stug/ogris style weapons are fairly risky to use unless you're trinity.


Really it comes down to "Am I using one of the 'greater' status frames?" "Is this weapon hyper-scaling with mods?"


Beyond that, preemptively going in with the right elemental mods makes things a lot easier. Viral on all Grineer missions, Magnetic/Flame vs corpus, Infested require nothing special due to being easy regardless of who you are.

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Get and mod a dread bow.  You too will be able to solo assassinations... all assassinations.  There are other gimmicks too.  Loki, for example can solo all levels of survival.  I solo defense and mobile defense quite easily with Frost.  In both cases, I build around one and only one power (invis or frost's shield).  Oh, all of my weapons have three levels of mods... Grineer, Corpus, and Infested/corrupted.  I make sure I select for each faction before entering a mission to insure as close to one shot kills as possible.


These are by no means the only frames.  The key is specializing in what works at end game. 


I have been playing for maybe a month.  

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If you take one build into more than one map - there's the problem. It's ok for lower level maps, but as for high-level it is advised to equip and mod every build, with help from the community (i.e forums, wiki) for a specific mission. It's the use of those mods that you never thought you'd use that come to make a difference.


If you struggle, I would suggest you enter a mission node with the objective to "collect data." See if there is an excess of a certain type of enemy (eg, robot, etc,) see if there are waves that come in groups for nukes or individual enemies for one-shotters. 


It's not possible for me to tell you everything that you should do, but I can tell you that attention to detail is key. I generally use one build but when I struggle on a mission, I spend 10 mins making a build for it and generally ease through it.

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thank you


If you take one build into more than one map - there's the problem. It's ok for lower level maps, but as for high-level it is advised to equip and mod every build, with help from the community (i.e forums, wiki) for a specific mission. It's the use of those mods that you never thought you'd use that come to make a difference.


If you struggle, I would suggest you enter a mission node with the objective to "collect data." See if there is an excess of a certain type of enemy (eg, robot, etc,) see if there are waves that come in groups for nukes or individual enemies for one-shotters. 


It's not possible for me to tell you everything that you should do, but I can tell you that attention to detail is key. I generally use one build but when I struggle on a mission, I spend 10 mins making a build for it and generally ease through it.

thank you. i found this the most helpfull. is there any sites or info out there to help with builds/ and what enemy types to use etc?

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thank you. i found this the most helpfull. is there any sites or info out there to help with builds/ and what enemy types to use etc?


All over the place. I would start with going to warframe-builder.com and taking a look at some of the builds there (ususally close enough if not optimized) to get an idea. Specific elemental builds are usually as follows:


Grineer: Rad+Viral+Bane, Rad+Cold or Toxin and Bane depending on modslots.

Corpus: Magnetic, Toxin, and Bane (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/195611-toxin-vs-magnetic-against-corpus-updated-with-tethra/ specifically)

Infested: Corrosive + Fire or Cold + Bane (Depending on if you want more damage vs lessers or healers)

Void: Corrosive+Cold *(Shotguns: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/185301-blaze-vs-cold-damage-in-void/)


You can check out some of my frame builds here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/201217-my-frame-builds-for-help-critique-and-discussion/#entry2339636


A decent list of builds for some weapons here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/203456-mega-weapon-modding-thread/




Try searching the PHP Forums for something specific, like 'Synapse Corpus Build' and you can usually find some good info.

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Rad = radiation damage

Bane mods - there are mods that add extra damage to a given faction. The names vary depending on the type of weapon (rifle, melee, pistol etc) but they're things like "Bane of Grineer" or "Cleanse Grineer". They're collectively called "bane mods"


But nobody asked about potatoes. Do you have orokin reactors on your frames and orokin catalysts on your weapons? Also, to really get top performance you're going to need a good weapon and some forma on it.

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I've only ever added forma to my volt. and y are they called potatoes? i don't get the reference. yes all my frames have reactors and all my weapons have at's on them. ive been doing a lot better now that i add the extra damage mod combos so that's 1 thing that helps. what i think i need are more chaos mods and more rare mods as well as some building advice

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