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What You Think Is Best Frame + Weapon For Assasinaions ?



so i had a thought manny people think some frames + weapons are better then other for Boss fights (assasinations)

i personaly think that with ember + ignis, you could kill ANY boss in game even ODA in seconds... but that's just me.. what do you think ?

(and we are not talking about modding weapons let's assum the weapons are modded for best bosses builds possible)



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One frame for all, would be Rhino.

As for weapons, I'd say Brakk/Synapse.


But some frames will do it faster against certain Bosses. For instance, Banshee with a snipe weapon would be better against some bosses that don't have stages (aka damage cap).

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Brakk is only the most powerful gun in the whole damn game, not a big deal or anything.


ok sorry don't crosify me.. sorry

how much Tpta; Demage, Demage per second and Sustain you get from you brakk build for the boss fights ?

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Dude, the Brakk is a shotgun if you didn't know. You're seeing damage per pellet.


In-game UI, Wiki and Warfrae Builder all show the total damage of all the pellets.


@ OP: You could also try this build, which benefits from Ember's Accelerant http://goo.gl/Dtr4au

The heat damage ALONE will deal over 25k burst DPS.

Edited by Taikaponi
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Wow. I thought I was the only one who thinks Brakk is a terrible gun.


Note, I'm not saying it's objectively bad, I just really don't like it. Short-ranged sidearms annoy me because I can just use powers if I'm that close.



I usually go for Boltor Prime or, if it's Lephantis, my Flux Rifle.

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For the sake of challenge and entertainment. Try my personal loadout.

Ash (Power efficiency + power strength maximised)
- Use for general Ninja.

Cernos (+reload speed +fire rate + thunderbolt +corrosive + status)
- IMPACT, fast, accurate, devastating shots

AkBolto (+Multishot + status +viral)
- PUNCTURE, spray medium close range, keeps other enemies off you


Gram (+charge time reduction +charge damage +electric + status +melee channel etc)
- SLASH, Badass factor, multi hit enemies, increased with electric proc, if you're gonna hit while invisible make it count with quick charge.


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