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Alt Helmet Suggestion


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So we've still got the issue of super helmets and primes which may not go away with Melee 2.0. As such, we will still have our turbo-rhino prime that has Loki players with very rustled Jimmies.


I propose a simple fix - no Head customisation for Primes. If you implement this, you will:

1) remove the issue of helmets giving boosts to very good frames. Rhino Prime cannot engage Turbomode and rustle Jimmies.

2) removes the need to rectify clipping and modelling issues with alt helms and Primes. This was something Scott brought up on Livestream 25 when discussing alt helmets.


"BUt why remove this bit of customisation?" Simple really. It's causing a headache for players and for the designers. We put up with very powerful frames and they have to redesign Primes with the inclusion of alt helms. So it saves the Devs time and saves us a headache. It just means that if you want your fancy helmet you'll need the base frame instead.

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