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What I've Learned (About The Stalker) Today


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"But now he's scary!"


It would be cool if he had the chance to turn out the all the lights completely in a room, lock the doors, and then you could only see his glowing red nodes on his frame or if he passed in front of the flashlight on your weapon. That would be scary lol.

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Tip, at the first flicker make sure your brightness and lighting options dont leave shadows in the room, by the second have your team around you, at the third find his spawn unload, hopefully you kill him. If you know you can't kill him, do as much damage as you can, run behind something because he is most likely going to slash dash, from there keep moving, but try to move out of direct sight b.c if he slash dashes you are dead, if he hits you with dread,or despair and you have under 400hp and you are not valkyr you are most likely dead.

I rarely ever see stalker anymore, but when I do I'm levelling unpotatoed mastery fodder.

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he has gotten me twice in the last 3 days



i think they changed his mechnics  fair bit



2. he can instantly teleport around making it impossible to hit him since he teleports and fires at the same time. 

3. he automatically destroys iron skin




this is simply rediculous and im tired of it, he needs to have teleport taken away from him, he was teleporting so fast that i could barely keep track of where he was in the midst or 4 grineer

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