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Should I Keep The Gorgon Wraith?



18 answers to this question

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I think you should keep it. I know you want space for other weapons, but slots can always be acquired as long as you have platinum. A Gorgon Wraith can't be bought back.


You can get platinum by trading: 12 platinum is quite easy to gain if you have things to trade I think.

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That is totally up to you. If you value exclusive items, then you should probably sell something else that you don't use. If you don't really care and you won't want it back later, then by all means sell it. It is totally your call. Keep in mind that it may get a buff at some point and suddenly become great (I doubt this, but it is possible).

Edited by TheSeannachaidh
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Since trading came out there's no excuse to not have platinum.


DO NOT SELL IT. Even if people tell you that it's useless right now, they/you don't know if it's going to get a buff at some point. AND it's not useless btw.

Edited by EdBazokatone
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As the others said just farm for rare mods or void BPs and sell them for plat. I also saw someone say on a thread quite recently that selling event weapons no longer yields an extra slot, im not sure whether that is true or not though but if it is then theres no use selling it anyway.

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Thou shalt keepeth thy exclusives

Amen! (I fixed it up a little)



but yeah, don't sell exclusives, sell some of your other weapons, if anything. it's even fine to sell alert weapons (like the heat sword, pangolin sword, dark dagger, those kinds of things) because you can get those back. or stalker weapons, or even detron/brakk or primes. but exclusives you can never get back, no amount of grind will make them resurface. you may not ever use it (I don't use it, or WTV's, or machete wraith. at least SV and SW were useful ones), but it represents that you were there for the event

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I know it's exclusive... But it's not a great weapon overall. I want weapon space for the Phage, Penta, Soma, etc. So should I sell it or not?

it´s together with strun wraith and vulkar the best weapon against corpus

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