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Best Fist Melee Weapon



I want to use fist melee weapons on my Valkyr, but I want to know which is the best for her. I currently have Obex.


So out of Ankyros Prime, Kogake, and Furax; which is better? Or should I just keep Obex on her?


I'll check back once I get back from class :P


Hopefully coming back to some helpful responses.

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7 answers to this question

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Would say hold off on committing to one specific melee weapon, particularly because melee 2.0 is coming in just a few days. I don't have a favorite fist weapon, seeing as I just power leveled the ankyros prime and furax, and haven't used the other ones.

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Ankyros Prime for shure, dispite the hard work to get it.


Best Damage (27 Vs 23 - Furax, Kogake)

Best Status Chance (15% Vs 10% - Furax, Kogake, Obex)

Second Best Attack Speed (1.7 Vs 1.75 - Obex)

Second Best Crit (20% Vs 25% - Obex)

2x V polarities.

Edited by BiancaRoughfin
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Ankyros Prime is best damage, but Furax charge attacks are VERY close, like 2% less damage. But its slash as opposed to impact based, so not really as good. Still close, and given how hard farming Ankyros Prime can be, Furax might be a better option till you get it.


...Oh Valkyr needs crit mods equipped, which drops the charge dps enough reg melee might be advisable. Hrm.

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