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April Fools Anticipation....


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[REDTEXT] HEY GUYS! We heard you wanted a higher difficulty, so today we're taking off Trinity and making LV1 Grineer/Corpus hit for 500 Base damage!

[REDTEXT] U10 returning, we're going backwards to make PS4 Cross Platform easier!


(Every five minuets)


[REDTEXT] Alright, sorry guys, we had a hard time getting the Hotfix ready, being deployed now.

[REDTEXT] WAIT, not yet. You guys get a few more hours.



[REDTEXT] So guys we went Bankrupt yesterday.....



[REDTEXT] The blood of Tyl Regor is on your hands. Did you really think there would be no repercussions?



Edited by un1337ninj4
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There needs to be an april 1st anticipation megathread. That way we can compile the hype!


But first we need an anticipation thread for the anticipation megathread! Anticiception.

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I anticipate the worst case scenario:

- Your platinum is gone (for the one day)

- Your foundry has halted all construction and replaces the progress with 'Soon'

- All idle animations have been swapped with others (Rhino's Idle is now sassy Ember's)


And lastly... you have a chance to encounter Derf Anyo who will drop Greedy Milk and broken Detron blueprints

Edited by Phantom_Jack
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