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Can You See The Differences?


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I like my old-style, non-busy, simple frames, thank you.

Besides, DE is very, VERY reluctant on making reskins that aren't texturing. "it'd be like making a new warframe" they say. "Better make a new warframe altogether" they say.

Edited by Kaian-a-coel
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We also get prime versions as well. 


Put mag prime or mag prime with immortal skin on there and you will get a similar result. 


Mag is a bit of an exception becasue she is so smooth and one tone. Nova would look similar to mag side by side 

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You picked the two extremes OP. Mag was always abnormally smooth (until Nova came around) and Zephyr is abnormally detailed. I don't think the old ones need a reskin.

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You picked the two extremes OP. Mag was always abnormally smooth (until Nova came around) and Zephyr is abnormally detailed. I don't think the old ones need a reskin.

 Exactly my thoughts, and judging from the picture of our new Waterframe he looks like something in between, what I really like.

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I like my old-style, non-busy, simple frames, thank you.

Besides, DE is very, VERY reluctant on making reskins that aren't texturing. "it'd be like making a new warframe" they say. "Better make a new warframe altogether" they say.

I have to agree. I actually hate how busy Zeypher looks, it looks messy with little design put into it. It looks like detail for details sake. Honesty my favorite looking frames are Frost, Saryn, and Excalibur. They are all relatively simple but it works for them. The overly detailed frames are starting to look bad.

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yeah, the thing old frames need are better textures, but now we've already got skin to cover that up.

But i'm hoping one day we could customize frame with different meshes for each body parts.

Like Body A, Arms C, Leg G, etc.

Just like customizing a mech. xD

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I know that we have Immortal Skins, but my suggestion is a restyle to older warframes to make them more actual and modern. What do you guys think?

Simply no.


Mynki already said that the designs of the existing warframes are meant to be exactly the way they are.

There is no need to change something that is meant to be the way it is.

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I like the first generation of warframes more than the latest ones, as far as the looks goes.

I think there have been some changes in the Art team. Oberon and Zephyr looks kinda out of place when comparing to the others.

I would prefer if they didn't change anything in the old frames. Leave them as they are. And instead, start making new frames follow a similar design as the old ones.

Edited by RexSol
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