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Idea: Unique Pasive Skills For Each Frame


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I havent been that long on this game (varely a month), regardless i like it quite a lot, the general idea and skills are enjoyable to the point i already have over 6 frames, 4 already maxed and two waiting to get played. I like the skills so far( altought some really need some love and fixes) still i tink each frame should have a very special and unique pasive that works for them, with this in mind this are some ideas for the frames i have played with:




A good starter frame, good atack defense and utility, not the best but not the worst, his pasive should be.


- Way of the Blade -


Excalibur gains a 1% bonus damage per two frame ranks with all melee weapons, if hes wielding any type of sword (skana, dual skana, gelatine etc, only sword type weapons) he gains half of this bonus as critical chance.


This pasive its meent to work particularly with his name but also the way he fights on the video againts vorg, Excalibur not only by his name but by said movie strikes me as a sword user specialist, a noble tenno who wields his blade with unstopable skill, this one i tink altought would encase him a bit with swords would be tematically nice for him.




Great defense, nice utility and a terrifying stomp


- Unbreakable will -


While Iron skin its active Rhino gaters a % of the damage recived, when the skill ends al lthis gatered damage transforms in temporal shield/HP. Once activated Unbreakable will neter on cool down for 5 minutes




A berserker with sharp claws


- Blood Lust -


Valkyr revels on the heat of battle, with each fell enemy her rage and anger grows making her stronger. Each time Valkyr kills an enemy she gains a temporal damage boost to all her atack up to a 15% bonus damage, if valkyr doesnt kill an enemy in a 10 second slimit time she loses the bonus.




- Life Force-


Saryn body produces a highly toxic poison wich grows with her own vitality. All saryns skills gains a 15% bonus to damage and duration based on her maximum HP.


I also have an oberon and recently a Nix but havent played them at all, still i tink Frames trully need some nice pasives, share your ideas and sugestions

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i want stuff like this. such as maybe;


banshee getting an undetectability buff if she doesnt fire a weapon for a few seconds


volt gaining the ability to charge up his run speed further by sliding


mag getting limited  magnetic wall-scaling capibilities


zephyr falling slower by default


ember damaging nearby enemies over time as long as she has energy


vauban reloading all weapons faster


frost causing nearby enemies to group together


just ideas..

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