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What Are We Tenno Really Fighting For?


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What do the Tenno actually want, and why are they mindlessely slaughtering so many Grineer and Corpus? Are Tenno just a loosely organized clan of crazy anarchists wanting power, chaos and destruction? What are the Tenno's motives, and who the heck is the Lotus? The game's lore mentions the Corpus and Grineer as evil, and I think the Tenno are evil too.

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What do the Tenno actually want, and why are they mindlessely slaughtering so many Grineer and Corpus? Are Tenno just a loosely organized clan of crazy anarchists wanting power, chaos and destruction? What are the Tenno's motives, and who the heck is the Lotus? The game's lore mentions the Corpus and Grineer as evil, and I think the Tenno are evil too.

glad I'm not the only one who doesn't trust the lotus. the tenno are certainly not innocent in all this. I think the Stalker is the hero of this saga


We fight for Loot, and the Lotus is the nice lady A.I. who has so far been the only person to not want to kill us or turn us into pets.

well, she's already turned us into pets, so, scratch that one



maybe the lore will give us a reason to fight. I would fight for the lore

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Personally I don't trust Lotus, why? Remember BioShocks "Would you kindly.." thing, we were being manipulated without knowing it until it was revealed in the end. What if Lotus is doing the same to us!? Sure she helps keep us alive with intel and whatnot but is she helping us, or manipulating us?

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Tenno fight for the loot and their own 'self' gain.  Both the greater and lesser self in this case


Setting wise:

Tenno want to fight, its what they were engineered to do. (a general presumption on my part)



Tenno are told they fight for the balance, though that seems more the Lotuses agenda than the tenno themselves.  (Though there are no rammifications for not keeping the balance when it comes to lotus, so not sure how accurate that desire is).

Edited by Loswaith
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More or less all Tenno have a reason for fighting, may it be honor, Loot, or for the "lulz".


I myself fight only for the body count and the aiding all my fellow Tenno in this sick but of so fun game of Darwinism.


May we fight for our right to live brothers and sisters!

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