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Hunt For Ember Prime: What Am I Getting Into?



Now, I've seen all of the Primes and have considered them to some extent at least (save for Excalibur Prime). I've been going mostly for aesthetics, and I don't doubt that Frost or Rhino Prime are good, I just don't seem very interested in them. Mag Prime was the other candidate between my choices, but I decided that I'd go with Ember Prime. (Next slot I get that isn't already reserved will probably go to her... or maybe a Rhino.)


I've heard some few stories about people having a lot of trouble picking up Ember's parts, and I was just wondering what kind of beast I'd be taking on with this project. Fortunately, I managed to get the blueprint for the Ember Prime Helmet by a stroke of luck on a random T2 Exterminate run with a friend today, so there's a nice start to things. 



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the only troublesome part was the helmet BP for me, I believe. got the rest before everything was moved around, so I can't really comment on their rarity now. did see an ember prime BP pop up in ODD, so maybe those aren't too bad if you have a team willing to stay a while


in terms of aesthetics, she's probably the coolest looking compared to her normal counterpart. for the rest, I'd stick with the standard ones unless you get them all for mastery

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