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A New Bucket


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Hello! SpaceBucket here (Buck for short I guess)!

I had heard of this game many times before, but only really checked it out with the recent MMOBomb polls going on(I actually came from one of Warframe's opponents).


So a little about myself: I am a 20 year old Sophomore in college, I am working toward an internship as an environmental engineer and I really like sci-fi (HUGE starwars nerd).


I have so many questions about this game! How do I put my mods in, what on earth is "potatoing," and many more. If anyone's interested in adding me or giving me some tips and a little live tour (I am trying to look on youtube and read guides but that's not NEARLY as fun and interactive :P) that'd be great! I have access to a headset and like to play kind of stealthily, therefore I picked Loki as my initial warframe, but I don't mind playing Stormtrooper swarm either if that's your type of play.


Hope to get to know more about the game and meet some buddies to play with soon.


SpaceBucket out.

Edited by SpaceBucket
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1 youtuber is very good at weapon guides :Mogamu , google him :)



Anyway welcome: and allow me to explain 

Potatoing : it's the prosess of adding a "Potato" ( Orokin catalyst , or orokin reactor)  to a weapon or a warframe. YOu either have to buy them or drop the blueprints on alerts adn other events.(they are very rare so watch out!)


Adding mods : they're basically kinda cards that add properties to your weapon or frame. Each mod costs some energy ( the number on top of the card),so there's limited space.


About platinum : Only buy slots for now...unless you buy some more for the time being buy slots and catalyst and reactors. (YOu can get more by trading but at early levels there isn't really anything worth to trade) 


Feel free to ask other questions in the players helping players section

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Any bucket is welcome, as long as they are ready for a bucketful of RNG to the face.

Welcome to Warframe, and enjoy your stay!

Update 13 is going to hit in a day a few days, so ya might want to stick around for the fun!

RNG, what game DOESN'T like to give us our fair share of frustration with that? :P

Where you from? I wouldn't mind guiding a new Tenno along. I'm from Asia though, if ping would be a concern. Feel free to add me up. IGN is my forum name.

I am from Virginia, on the east coast of the United States. Not really sure about managing lag yet, but I'm sure we can figure it out!


Thats probably one of the best names ive ever seen in Warframe. Welcome!

Haha, thanks!

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