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So With The New Melee System Implemented(If Successful), Which Warframes Do You Think Will Raise In Power? A Meta Shift, If U Will


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So right now the general consensus for a tier list seems to be 

EDIT: this list is  for ENDGAME CONTENT as of patch 12.6. The frames i think have potential to move up the list in update 13 i speak about in detail.
























You personally may not agree, but the general consensus is SOMEWHERE around those lines. Yes we all know mag is a god against corpus. Yes we all know ash is a fan favorite. Some think ember is higher for her ability to spam massive damage and cc with efficiency mods, some think she's weak because of the range on her accellerant. I personally feel like excalibur is the most broken frame in the game besides trinity, if only for how much cc his radial blind brings, and for how cheap you can make it (13 energy wtf) plus its completely ridiculous range. You get the idea. Your opinion wont always be the general consensus.  But i digress 


With the changes to the damage potential of melee 2.0 (according to the devs) what frames do you think can inch their way up this ladder, due to their ability to take advantage of what the melee system COULD be?


Saryn- I wanted to say saryn would benefit highly because a miasma spam build with contagion could very well be a corpus killer, then it dawned on me that She just doesnt have a gap closer.  With a dual zoren, if they keep the fury slide mechanic, made a mod that would give a dash gap closer ability, I think she may start seeing more play if the melee system does all that DE has said it would.


a bit of potential. melee 2.0 might fix her core problem of having no gap closer and having no cc outside of her ultimate.


Excalibur- I already think he's an underrated god (underrated by newer players and players that just simply abandoned him because of how vanilla he is), But if the melee system is legit, slash dashing into radial blind will make very quick work of mobs. Plus from devstream 23.5 they said there would be perks for being in "melee mode" and using jump attacks, which would definitely kick open the doors for those super jump+heavy impact excal players. I didnt even mention the fact that you get the "unaware" status melee damage buff when enemies are blinded.


I'm excited for excalibur with this update.  I'd say he'd move into upper mid tier.



Frost-  Now this guy could be interesting. I could imagine some frosts abusing spell range on snowglobe, running stamina and speed mods, and  cast enemies INSIDE of the snow globe taking advantage of the speed differential. I also hear DE was thinking of finding a way to give frost his stun back on his ulti... which if modded for  efficiency and range could be spammed to keep entire crowds stunned and slowed while he beats on them.


Keep an eye out for him. This will either not effect him at all or bring forth a whole new wave of melee caster play. I'm excited for him too.


Volt- He has everything a melee character could want. a super low cost huge aoe stun, massive movement and attack speed steroid, a shield for ranged threats while he beats on people. Nothng to say really. He'll take everything good about melee 2.0 and make it better.


He'll move up to low top, or high mid tier. If the system is legit his speed buff will be no joke with the cc lock. an interesting semi-berserker with a mini stun


Trinity- Already broken. break her more plz


Ash & Loki -  I'm interested. Either they'll be an absolute beast if the system has the damage output to support them teleporting in then going invisible for dem stealth bonus's. Loki has the ability to force groups into a melee situation, so with the benefit of stealth he'd be a huge boon to the team.


They would both stay about the same. Loki MIGHT move into lower high tier if its a successful system. High endgame utility with even more viable damage. Ash wouldnt fair so well because of a lackluster kit. Granted, he would never die, but no cc brings nothing to the table in the later ends of the game.

Edited by Buddhakingpen
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Well most likely the melee(physical) frames like Rhino, Valkyr, Trinity(she has invulnerability), Loki, Ash I guess Saryn with her poison touch.


edit: added Loki and Ash.

Edited by Fammia
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This is kinda a dumb thing. Rhino's only good till T2. His Iron skin deteriorates quickly, his Stomp is only used for stasis after that. Vauban mid-tier is dumb, he's the hardest to farm and Bastille can let you do take a breather and let you revive your buds.  

Edited by izzatuw
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Personally I dont see much shifting going on if you really wanna say this game has a Frame Meta the only Meta I really ever see are with the actual weapons your has on and the mods with it.

As for me ill be using the same frame ive always used for the newer content which is my Excalibur. It has the name of a legendary sword and the update is all about swords so I think its fitting.

On the other side with the new Melee Update Ash's teleport can become more effective for people who wanna go crazy with Melee Only since Ash's Teleport just ports you right up the enemies butt.

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Personally, I'd put zephyr in low high tier.

High mobility, good CC in her ult, and damage if there's a ceiling, and a good defensive skill that even works against bombard rockets.

Not to mention high shields and health.


And Loki will go to high tier somewhere.

He's barely off it at the moment, IMO.

Edited by Warriorrogue
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general consensus? i dont remember ever voting?  can i see a poll for this consensus? what you meant to say was " this is what I think "

All i know is what i read and what i talk with people in game and on wiki about. Plus I play warframe like damn near 10 hours a day. and i read the forums constantly. Thats where i got my info from. the internet. Like I said there are always people that has favorites, but thats just what i've noticed on average... Either way, its not about the tier list for real, just how important a frame is by a good chunk of the endgame playing community.

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...just how important a frame is by a good chunk of the endgame playing community.


This makes a bit more sense.



Plus I play warframe like damn near 10 hours a day.


This doesn't sound right.

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Nova top tier ? o.O

She is very squishy, second lowest shield next to Valkyr with low defensive abilities (if you can count making enemies slower a defensive ability), mid range hp and armor. Her abilities have high range with her biggest damage ability having to fly around for a while to accumulate damage, it just seems stupid, sorry. May I ask why is she considered top tier ?

Edited by Braini
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Wait, why is oberon low tier? Hell, why would you tier frames in a PvE game?



Because its human nature to rank things.



This is kinda a dumb thing. Rhino's only good till T2. His Iron skin deteriorates quickly, his Stomp is only used for stasis after that. Vauban mid-tier is dumb, he's the hardest to farm and Bastille can let you do take a breather and let you revive your buds.  

 Roar is a serious teamwide dps boost, the stasis on stomp is good for the entirety of the game. and even if iron skin melts fast, its free damage absorbtion for that split second you might have #*($%%@ up.



This makes a bit more sense.




This doesn't sound right.


whats not right about it? lol. I wake up, play warframe, go to work, come home, play more warframe lol. I take days off for real life stuff but its been winter in Northern US

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Nova top tier ? o.O

She is very squishy, second lowest shield next to Loki with low defensive abilities (if you can count making enemies slower a defensive ability), mid range hp and armor. Her abilities have high range with her biggest damage ability having to fly around for a while to accumulate damage, it just seems stupid, sorry. May I ask why is she considered top tier ?

Her role on a team. Its not about her directly doing damage. its the amount of utility in just her ultimate. It boosts damage and gives a strong, long range aoe slow. a rhino roar, plus mprime is a 700% damage boost, plus chain blast damage as they die.as long as she has someone to keep her safe (excalibur,rhino,trinity,vauban) She is capable of providing a lot for the team. Plus since mprime doesnt scale down on its slow or damage buff, with negative duration an efficiency maxing build is really viable, meaning that nova can pump out a 25 energy damage boosting power slow. and since mprimes utility doesnt scale down from power damage either (the explosions do, but thats not where the real damage comes from come endgame) you can maximize both power range and power efficiency and not be punished, so enemies basically permanently move and attack 50 percent slower so long as you have 25 energy, which is easy to do, since nova has a - polarity and can equip energy siphon

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Oberon brings no CC, and Nekros' CC makes targets run all over the damn place and come back with friends. Further, Nekros' minions tend to interrupt the fire of any allies, and he's a very soft frame with no defenses beyond Terrify.


Worse, neither frame has any scaling abilities whatsoever. Nekros is a loot specialist and that makes him handy for extra personals in SV, but Oberon doesn't even have a niche at all.


Neither can significantly alter the battlefield the way that Chaos, Blessing or MPrime can.

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Oberon brings no CC, and Nekros' CC makes targets run all over the damn place and come back with friends. Further, Nekros' minions tend to interrupt the fire of any allies, and he's a very soft frame with no defenses beyond Terrify.


Worse, neither frame has any scaling abilities whatsoever. Nekros is a loot specialist and that makes him handy for extra personals in SV, but Oberon doesn't even have a niche at all.


Neither can significantly alter the battlefield the way that Chaos, Blessing or MPrime can.


Oberon has no crowd control? Since when?

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Oberon has no crowd control? Since when?

He can pick people up and drop them, which is nice, but seeing as it only lasts for a second or two, does mediocre damage and isn't nearly as useful as Vauban or Frost's cc for example, it's pretty much negligible. 

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