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My Fello Tennos


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so i thought about

what the heck are tennos .. 

yea theyr the spartans of the galaxy highly bred of warriors and all of that..

but i look at the lotus , and she clearly has a REALLY HUMAN mouth + nose, and a bit of an uper brest ? 

i mean if she has a clear nose to breath she is clearly a human .. 

and yea.. if to think normal for a sec

it's just the designers who did that becouse it looks cool , and they made tenno to look like humans becouse it's really easy to connect to humans then for other spicies, but let's go into the fantasy warframe world where everything has a story reason and not.. just becouse it would make the devs more money ..


in the story world the lotus is reallly looking human like... she has this .. helmet going on ?

i like to think of it as an helmet that she sses everything in there like a realily fancy high tech helmet and then tontacts you from there.. and she can take it off..

but another thought is that it is a PART  of her and that tennos WHERE humans but NOT now... not at all.. and underneath theyr warframes they are still .. hafe cyborgs thingys... 



what do you think about it ?

Edited by shayvidas
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I generally think Lotus is an AI, seeing as she talks like one and seems to know everything that's going on around them. Her humanoid appearance is either an android, or a hologram. She probably put the Tenno into cryo-sleep and awakened them, and her being an AI would explain why she's still alive.

I'm pretty sure the Tenno are humans infected with the technocyte virus, so they probably look incredibly deformed underneath the suits, or the suits have literally molded with/become their skin. In The Profit trailer, when Excalibur is dismembered, it seems as though the suit is his skin. It's also been mentioned by Alad V, who has dissected them, that they have no eyes, so those are probably gone.

The devs said the Tenno do have eyes in a dev stream shortly after that thing with Alad happened, I have no idea why they let that line through if that's the case but they did. Hayden didnt get all deformed though, of course that was over a relatively short period and he wasn't exposed to the void, so really they could go either way they want with it. Even if that makes no sense (they would not be the first game devs to make physically impossible armor for regular people)

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