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50 Minutes Of Survival T3


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And what I got? Guess what. Credit caches. And Frost helmets. And Latron receivers. 


50 minutes of time lost, facing very hard enemies, bullet-sponges which took two Soma clips to kill each. 


All that, for nothing. Not a single Forma blueprint. Not a single new prime weapon part. 


There are people here saying there's raining Formas in T3. I still dont see that. Had to make 40 minutes in another survival just to get one Forma bp. The rest? Credit caches. Enjoy the repetitiveness. 


Are you making us fools, DE? We want to be rewarded for facing hard difficulty. Not receive the same credit caches over and over and over again, and not receive Latron parts which are hard to sell in the trade market (since, I suppose, everybody is getting it in those same missions). There was one guy in one of those sessions who told me he stayed for 100 minutes in one survival he did before and got only one Forma bp. 


If it was 15 minutes I would comprehend, but to receive the very same rewards after 40, 50, 100 minutes of survival is a nonsense, and means theres something wrong with the RNG. The RNG simply dont scales with the level of enemies fought against. This happens even with the credit caches which are always 5k, never 10k, 20k, 50k and so son. We need the RNG to scale with the enemies fought against. 



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Srry to say I'm getting the same thing. The drops aren't dropping. There is suppose to be Sicarus BP or Reciever in there too. But, they don't seem to exist. Mostly Latron Recievers. Sicuras is a lot weaker than Latron too. the Drop table is broken.

Edited by Makemap
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honestly I play for fun, but this RNG is depressive at best, you can have the same prime part/bp 2 or 3 time each 5 waves/minutes... It's too much repetitive, it's not broken it's only sad to always see the same crappy rewards again and again, I would prefer them even more diluted with mods and whatever instead of seeing 3 times the same things in a row...


It's bad not because you don't find what you are searching for but it's bad because the RNG should absolutely not provide the same loot in the same game ever. It's bad because it's always the same crap droping ever and ever without any surprise or fun.


I play for fun but seeing wave 10 ember prime BP, wave 15 ember prime BP, wave 20 1500 cred, wave 25 ember prime BP is just not a right way to implement RNG in a game... Or doing T2 ext and get reaper blade 7 times upon 7 mission's done break the fun with stupid repetitiveness...

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Survival rewards are total crap.
Lets comfort together, and hope for better days, when DE will have a good sens of balance, fun, reward.

Right now, it's more than a pain in the (...)

i no longer play survival, but with clanmates, from time to time.

Edited by Tazmanyak
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Sure, playing is fun, right up until the point that you need three clips of any max-modded gun to kill a single heavy, all damage abilities do absolutely nothing, and a single grunt with a lato would one-shot you. All for nothing. The fun is in pushing yourself for the rewards, not for the sake of it. The excitement is seeing those rare drops come up while you've struggled to survive or defend. at 40 minutes, 2500 credits is rage-quit material. A single morphics is just plain insulting. 

Now, I don't really care that blueprints and parts have a wacky drop rate, but in the mean time, i expect actual REWARDS, not insults. Sure, for a T1 survival, 2500 creds per 5 min isn't bad. It's not good, but it's not bad. When you're going from wave 35-40 on a T3 Defense, a single R5 fusion core is a joke, since you've probably found 5-10 as loot already. If they scaled properly, so much of the issue would go away. Get to 40 mins in a survival and come out with none of the bp's you wanted, but with 100k creds and a few packs of fusion cores, instead of a few individual ones. It'd be so easy to make it scale with level, and it'd make trying worth while, and it would seem so much less repetitive.

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