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Something That'd Be Nice To See...


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Is melee combos with guns involved in them, or an attack that'll allow you to switch from your ranged weapon to melee immediately and vice-versa.

Reason why I want this is that I want to look even cooler by shooting someone and quickly doing a melee attack which opens up into a combo.

Or maybe even executing a melee combo on someone and ending it with a quick shot from a shotgun or rifle.

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The problem is that mobs die too quickly to make good use of it me thinks.

It would be cool if you could preform one on a dying grineer just for the hell of it, but other than that, I think it'd be difficult to impliment to be effective. Hell, I'm surprised Melee 2.0 is so centered on combos and damage multipliers when mobs die so quickly but.. Will have to see.

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