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Modding The Phage


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@ daftmeat
http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0#Overview_Table This would be the damage 2.0 table for reference as to who takes what damage.
Now here's your damage report table from your 1 forma build against infested http://prntscr.com/36agus.

I noticed that you prioritized infested flesh, and infested.
According to the wiki and the information from DE Rebecca regarding dmg 2.0


So you've effectively modded your Phage with 1 forma to quickly kill the smaller infested mobs with bonus damage, while leaving the tougher Anients, Toxic Ancients and Ancient Healers out of your build's consideration.

I don't think its safe to say Phage is bad against infested when you modded poorly against heavies...

In addition to this saying the phage is bad because of viral damage is a tad uninformed. Consider that the only ones with an immunity to viral are Chargers and Leapers.
IMO, they'll go down easy just from overall damage and considering that viral composes 25% of the damage in your build I'd say other factors are apparent.
If you meant that the Phage cannot easily mow down the entire infested faction equally then yes you're correct.
But if you meant its "not ideal" because it cant mow down Chargers and Leapers then I'd have to respectfully disagree unless you ran with purely viral damage and only fought Chargers and Leapers.


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Phage with  Tainted Shell: 




Maxed Braton build:




For the love of God, please, don't use Tainted Shell, it is S#&$.

most people use a rank 6 tainted shell if at all on a build like this 


The result is generally like this after tainted


I'm not sure where you got that from.
Potential DPS drops about 7-8k but all beams are pre-focused with no loss on fire rate.

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Shotgun Spazz (if you can find that mod lol) boosts DPS significantly, otherwise Accelerated blast is not bad

few ranks in Tainted Shell helps the spread - it focuses much faster and becomes far less annoying to use


btw you really dont need more than 6k DPS in this game, if you have 8k - its great already - you can do lvl100 void (assuming your team isnt useless and you have patience so stay that long)

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Shotgun Spazz (if you can find that mod lol) boosts DPS significantly, otherwise Accelerated blast is not bad

few ranks in Tainted Shell helps the spread - it focuses much faster and becomes far less annoying to use


btw you really dont need more than 6k DPS in this game, if you have 8k - its great already - you can do lvl100 void (assuming your team isnt useless and you have patience so stay that long)

tainted shell robs you of versatility because it forces you to to only be able to open the "mouth" so far. it also robs you of as mentioned above, 7-8k of dps. which to me, is idiotic and a waste. that "huge spread" can give you the ability to hold an entire corridor at bay, instead of doing pinpoint stupidity that hits weaker than it would have before hand.


accelerated blast only gives a half benefit, as there is no puncture damage on the phage. shotty spazz is invaluable, as it leads to a 1.9 fire rate, which delivers 40 seconds worth of damage in about 15 seconds. there is room for shoty mutation as well, which improves ammo economy without forcing you to hunt shotgun  ammo packs every five seconds.

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tainted shell robs you of versatility because it forces you to to only be able to open the "mouth" so far. it also robs you of as mentioned above, 7-8k of dps. which to me, is idiotic and a waste. that "huge spread" can give you the ability to hold an entire corridor at bay, instead of doing pinpoint stupidity that hits weaker than it would have before hand.


accelerated blast only gives a half benefit, as there is no puncture damage on the phage. shotty spazz is invaluable, as it leads to a 1.9 fire rate, which delivers 40 seconds worth of damage in about 15 seconds. there is room for shoty mutation as well, which improves ammo economy without forcing you to hunt shotgun  ammo packs every five seconds.

Tainted shell helps focusing time, you can still have medium spread if you need, and few ranks dont hurt DPS much

Never needed mutator on Phage, it does huge damage per ammo - most economic 'shotgun', but then I never play till lvl100 anymore since its hard to find people that bother (and can)  stay for 1 hr, mybe mutator would be needed then

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tainted shell robs you of versatility because it forces you to to only be able to open the "mouth" so far. it also robs you of as mentioned above, 7-8k of dps. which to me, is idiotic and a waste. that "huge spread" can give you the ability to hold an entire corridor at bay, instead of doing pinpoint stupidity that hits weaker than it would have before hand.


accelerated blast only gives a half benefit, as there is no puncture damage on the phage. shotty spazz is invaluable, as it leads to a 1.9 fire rate, which delivers 40 seconds worth of damage in about 15 seconds. there is room for shoty mutation as well, which improves ammo economy without forcing you to hunt shotgun  ammo packs every five seconds.

Tainted Shell isnt nearly as bad as people project Its just a matter of how much DPS can you live with.

@ rank 6 the 11% spread is respectable and user friendly crowd control.

But i think the issue is that people think the phage is completely focused @ 0% which isnt the case.

Looks like it focuses at about -8% to -15%

Its best combined with Shotgun Spazz to manage the Fire rate from 1.9 to 1.48 (still respectable)

Now for some beam math.

lets say for giggles were working with right angled not wavy triangles, the 11° given from stats means the other angle is 79° which we can calculate using cosine as we have the angle and hypotenuse and want the adjacent side

I.e. the spread distance from a 0°.


 I'm getting 4.77m so with the other half we'd have 9m spread at the tips and 4.5m half way out. 

Seems like a reasonable amount of pre-focused spread for handling mobs unless each enemy is 4m wide.

This is all assuming that %spread is relative to an angle. I didnt check on that but the math is simple enough to say that you're not losing spread unless you wanted to spread'em like no tomorrow.

For ammo convservation you good use shotgun scavenger instead of wasting your aura slot on siphon. im certain at least one teammate would bring some form of energy restoration. 

Team energy/ammo restores are easy enough to make. 

But i honestly have no idea what you need full spread for on phage.

I just prefer the beams to be dancing near the same target.

Only thing i can consider large enough for leaving the spread as is. would be Lephantis and i focus for more dps on his available hit boxes.

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Tainted shell helps focusing time, you can still have medium spread if you need, and few ranks dont hurt DPS much

Never needed mutator on Phage, it does huge damage per ammo - most economic 'shotgun', but then I never play till lvl100 anymore since its hard to find people that bother (and can)  stay for 1 hr, mybe mutator would be needed then

i usually solo till level 100 mobs. i got tired of looking for groups, so i decided to make a way to do it myself. and yes while it does do huge damage per ammo, the 3 things it does best though, are what makes it truly a monster.


1: delivering status effects - with both cicero and tethra mods on, you get a 54.5% status chance per second of firing. tie this in with shotty spazz which leads to 1.9 fire rate, you empty your clip in about 15 seconds. 40 seconds worth of damage, dealt in 15.


2: spread - the spread allows you to hit many, many more targets than any other weapon in the game save for AoE weapons, as you literally need only spin in a circle rather quickly and enemies die on initial touch of the beams.


3: versatility - granted a lot of people do not like the initial spread, however as mentioned before, you can smite up to 25 meters (on par with flux rifle) while delivering massive status proc's (roughly 14-19 a second) and can widen (release trigger) or shorten the beam (hold zoom) to custom fit your weapons needs, ranging from pin-point destruction (nothing can withstand this monster for very long, maybe a few seconds at best when modded for faction specific damage) to room to hallway clearing fire power.



in my humble opinion, the phage is the most useful, destructive tool in the game. and tbh a mastery rank of 8-9 would be more appropriate considering the insane damage it pumps out.

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i usually solo till level 100 mobs. i got tired of looking for groups, so i decided to make a way to do it myself. and yes while it does do huge damage per ammo, the 3 things it does best though, are what makes it truly a monster.


1: delivering status effects - with both cicero and tethra mods on, you get a 54.5% status chance per second of firing. tie this in with shotty spazz which leads to 1.9 fire rate, you empty your clip in about 15 seconds. 40 seconds worth of damage, dealt in 15.


2: spread - the spread allows you to hit many, many more targets than any other weapon in the game save for AoE weapons, as you literally need only spin in a circle rather quickly and enemies die on initial touch of the beams.


3: versatility - granted a lot of people do not like the initial spread, however as mentioned before, you can smite up to 25 meters (on par with flux rifle) while delivering massive status proc's (roughly 14-19 a second) and can widen (release trigger) or shorten the beam (hold zoom) to custom fit your weapons needs, ranging from pin-point destruction (nothing can withstand this monster for very long, maybe a few seconds at best when modded for faction specific damage) to room to hallway clearing fire power.



in my humble opinion, the phage is the most useful, destructive tool in the game. and tbh a mastery rank of 8-9 would be more appropriate considering the insane damage it pumps out.

Solo till lvl100, and not Infested?  I will reference your post as a proof that Phage is super-OP lol

The status is strong yeah, especially since its the only primary that can do corrosive+viral and no useless physical statuses

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Solo till lvl100, and not Infested?  I will reference your post as a proof that Phage is super-OP lol

The status is strong yeah, especially since its the only primary that can do corrosive+viral and no useless physical statuses

it took me 6 forma to be able to get that far, but 4-5 will suffice. i only used 6 because i screwed up when i added a polarity slot. but at 2 forma it pretty much wrecks anything up to level 40. which iirc is what DE said their endgame mob level is, excluding survival and defense game modes. it's not "super op" however, it is extremely potent, and becomes super op when you put 4-5 forma into it.

Edited by ObviousLee
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Solo till lvl100, and not Infested?  I will reference your post as a proof that Phage is super-OP lol

The status is strong yeah, especially since its the only primary that can do corrosive+viral and no useless physical statuses


Is there a difference between infested and radial disarmed corpus/grineer?

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