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___★★★ Sv Store Of Goddies ! ★★★___

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so i'm basically selling allot of stuff, 

probably have more mods and blueprints then i can fit in here...


In Addition to What is written here i have rare Blueprint (pm me or send me a message for details)

and more stuff... just pm me with what you want in the game or add me as a friend ! if you need help or anything i'll come to. 


i can do DISCOUNTS if you want 3 or MORE stuff.  (Blue prints on the buttom)

                     __                                              / _|                         __      ____ _ _ __| |_ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___   ___ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__|  _| '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ \ V  V / (_| | |  | | | | | (_| | | | | | |  __/   \_/\_/ \__,_|_|  |_| |_|  \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|              
                     _                         | |     _ __ ___   ___   __| |___ | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _` / __|| | | | | | (_) | (_| \__ \|_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___/                           

________*****************************★★★ 18p Tier ★★★*****************************________



Hammer Shot - 18p


Blaze - 18p


overextended - 18p


sure footed -18p


________*****************************★★★ 13p Tier ★★★*****************************________


Split Chamber - 13p


Barrel Diffusion - 13p
Bullet Attractor - 13p
Corrupt Charge - 13p
Ammo Stock - 13p
Boltor Prime Stock - 13p
Burston Prime Stock -13p
Shred - 13p
________*****************************★★★ 8p Tier ★★★*****************************________
Critical Daley - 8p
Incendiary Coat - 8p
Infested Clip - 8p
Stormbringer - 8p
Rush - 8p
Fury - 8p
Boltor Prime Reciever - 8p
Boltor Prime Barrel - 8p
Dakra Prime Blade -8p
________*****************************★★★ Cheap Tier ★★★*****************************________
Flow - 5p
Heavy Trauma - 5p
Ice Storm - 5p
Lethal Torrent - 5p
Stabilizer - 5p
Streamline - 5p
Stunning Speed - 5p
Vital Sense - 5p
Cyro Rounds - 5p
Chilling Grasp - 5p
Bane of infested - 5p
Bane of corpus - 5p
Hornest Strike- 5p
Hellfire - 5p
Quick rest - 5p
Rifle Scavenger - 5p
Serration - 5p
Shocking Touch - 5p
Stretch - 5p
Constitution - 5p
Latron Prime Barrel -5p
Latron Prime Reciever -5p
________*****************************★★★ Blueprints ★★★*****************************________
Sicarus Prime Blueprints - 5p
Sicarus Prime Barrel - 5p
Rhino Prime System - 5p
Mag Prime System - 5p
Mag Prime Chasis - 5p
Latron Prime Reciver - 5p
Latron Prime Barrel - 5p
Frost Prime Helmet - 5p
Fang Prime Handle -5p
Dakra Prime Blade -5p
Dakra Prime Handle -5p
Braton Prime Blueptint -5p
Bronco Prime Handle -5p
Boltor prime stock -5p
Boltor prime reciever -5
Boltor prime barrel -5p
Boar Prime Stock - 5p
________*****************************★★★ Even Cheaper Tier ★★★*****************************________
Just add user "shayvidas" and pm me, or send me a message to my email: shay3112@gmail.com
i couldn't write down all the blueprints and mods i have due to a current bug in the system but i'll do it in the next post !
thnx for reading ! and GOOD LUCK in trading for EVERYONE ! !
have a great day
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