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Weird Connection Problems With My Friends



A few months ago three guys, A, B and C started playing the game together but they had one little problem..A could connect to B and C, but B and C couldn't connect to eachother without A.They kinda had to quit the game after a while because of this, and they all had good internet connections.


They started playing again now and...yup, you guessed it, the problem is the same, except now B can connect with both A and C, but A and C can't make their own squad.


What exactly are we doing wrong? 


EDIT: i can see the yellow icon that tells me when a friend is in a game session. When we try to join sessions we get "friend is not currently in a game session" error....i can SEE he's in a game session...he confirms on skype too..

Edited by Symbiont71
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same situation here, i dont think that this has anything to do with the internet connection. Like u said I can't connect to one of my friends (vice versa) but we all can play together if theres another 3rd person inviting us both, so basically without the 3rd person we couldnt play together :(

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Thank you^^


I must add that by some "miracle" we managed to join eachother's games without any problems yesterday...until late at night when we had the error again. I also must add that first time we tried and we got the error ( the reason i started this thread) was also late at night.


Assumed some people have this port problem, can they join "by change" or they can't join until they forward the ports? 

Is there anything else that could interfere besides the port problem?

Edited by Symbiont71
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