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The Duel Arena And It's Blessing + Iron Skin Issue.


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I request we get either a bigger DOJO dueling arena, with places to hide and S#&$, or the option to disable abilities inside the dojo. Similar to that of the Conclave, but smaller and more fitting for the dojo tileset.


Rhinos using Iron Skin or Trins using Blessing are simply unbeatable. Having places to hide behind could solve this problem, and would add strategy to the gameplay. The penta issue would be solved as well.


While were at it, a 4v4 would be nice as well! 




*edited for precision*

Edited by Rawzberry
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+1 Bigger dojo room. Give us the option to build different size dojo rooms with more than 2 players. Maybe a small for 1v1, a medium for 2v2 and a large for 4v4 (large being like, grand hall).


Not interested in enforcing "no abilities" rules in the dojo. Just ask your friend and clan-member "hey, this time lets do without abilities". It's not a random player you're fighting against here.

Edited by Mastikator2
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