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The ground trembled beneath his mighty tread, his skin impervious, his rage honed, his weapon ready, his goal clear. Nothing survived his wake. Nothing dare resist him.

And the few foolish enough to believe that they would be the first to fell the mighty, they shall learn humility under his almighty stomp.


He redefined power. He redefined strength. He redefined fear.

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I love you too.

Novaptosaurus... What would be a good nova... hmm...

She looks kinda like...

Dear Lotus, I know what to do.

*hurries off*

Nova + Apatosaurus.


Sorry, misspelled it a bit.

Edited by Nitresco
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No. I have a different idea.

A glass cannon is not a plodding tank, my good Tenno.

B-but, she has the neck. And the feet. And everything.


Edit: You're doing it with a prehistoric dolphin, aren't you?

Edited by Nitresco
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oh god not another one my sides hurt

I'm sorry. There is more.


What on earth.. DE please nerf.

He's far beyond DE's reach now





I have no clue whatsoever as to what to do with Loki... I usually base what I do off the helmet. I can't think of any dinosaur or prehistoric creature that'd look like that unless you really want a hammer head shark.


I vote Trisaryntops.

*Examines Saryn*

Not a triceratops. But... Close. I can make one for you. Just you wait and see.

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