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Heavy Caliber On Latron Prime?



I'm just wondering, is HC worth it on Latron Prime? Or is the accuracy lost to much? I also like staying in a place with good overview in defense missions and stay there and snipe, will i be able to do that with some ranks in HC?

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sure it works but u wont be able to heatshot or hit weakspots from a distance anymore


so just think of it as a increase in raw damage but you trade off range, you will have to get a bit closer like medium range which is still pretty far 

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Hurts the gun's accuracy too much. It's a hard hitting gun to begin with, but if it limits headshots to 10-15 meters, it kind of defeats the purpose of using the Latron Prime.


Rank 4 isn't too bad, and I could see maybe as high as rank 6. Obviously, the higher the rank, the more the dispersion, and the closer you have to be to ensure hits on heads on demand.


Frankly, on this gun I wouldn't bother. It's perfectly adequate up to and somewhat beyond level 50 enemies without heavy cal (thought that's assuming 3-4 formas). A crit/elemental build can really bring the pain even without heavy cal.

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Latron Prime with Point Strike has a 37.5% crit chance, so an average headshot multiplier of 2.75x.


HCal adds ~25% damage over a bane or element mod.


If you doubletap headshot without HCal, but using HCal causes one of those headshots to be a bodyshot instead, you deal ~17% more damage by NOT using HCal.


If one of the shots misses entirely because of HCal, you deal 60% more damage by NOT using HCal.


If both headshots connect, or on a bodyshot, HCal does 25% more damage.


Ultimately it boils down to how bad the accuracy loss is. I prefer HCal on close-mid range weapons, and I consider LPrime to be a mid-long range weapon. HCal will up your dps by ~25% at close range, but losing 20-60% damage at longer ranges isnt worth it, imo.

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