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I Need Orokin Cellsssss



hi guys im just really frustrated that prime weapons need SO MANY orokin cells to build!!!!

ive got braton prime, latron prime, boltor prime, reaper prime, dakra prime and glaive prime all sitting in my foundry just because I can't  get enough cells for all of them. I know ODA is a good way to farm them but is there a better and more efficient way? where do you guys get your cells from for prime weapons?


thank you for listening to my rant. :)

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Defense, Mobile defense and survival missions are all good for getting cells, though this is mostly for when you want larger quantities as they can take a good deal of time. For quickly getting a few cells run either Ruk or ODAs, as these are shorter and typically give a cell per run.

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Defense, Mobile defense and survival missions are all good for getting cells, though this is mostly for when you want larger quantities as they can take a good deal of time. For quickly getting a few cells run either Ruk or ODAs, as these are shorter and typically give a cell per run.

when you mean these misiions do you mean missions on Saturn for example?

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Defense, Mobile defense and survival missions are all good for getting cells, though this is mostly for when you want larger quantities as they can take a good deal of time. For quickly getting a few cells run either Ruk or ODAs, as these are shorter and typically give a cell per run.

Hmm ODA's a bad idea because it takes 1 hour just to build. And looking for people hosting ODA just for Cells is kinda anoyying? But Ruk is still good

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