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Brakk Farming



Hello fellow tenno,


I've been trying to get the brakk for a while now and all I ever seem to get is mods everytime I kill the g3. The only consolation I have is that at least I have the blueprint for it but after having killed the g3 10 times now I would have thought a part would have dropped by now. so far I've collected 8 natural talent and about 7 or 8 split chamber. Any suggestion would be welcomed at this point.

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4 answers to this question

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If you ask people where  to farm you never get a response.If I play using Neckros they never come so no chance to desecrate.When i use rhino prime they come and drop same crap as you are getting.The one time that they did drop a blueprint the game froze just as i was killing the last of the G3.Playing with randoms is hard on the head because for some reason everyone thinks its a race to finish the level.My suggestion is find three people willing to farm with you and make sure one of them is neckros and keep playing invasions on corpus side.Last thing I noticed is they do appear more often if you carry a weapon that is sublevel 30.Good luck because I think I am done with G3 ,300 invasions and no brakk parts.

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If you ask people where  to farm you never get a response.If I play using Neckros they never come so no chance to desecrate.When i use rhino prime they come and drop same crap as you are getting.The one time that they did drop a blueprint the game froze just as i was killing the last of the G3.Playing with randoms is hard on the head because for some reason everyone thinks its a race to finish the level.My suggestion is find three people willing to farm with you and make sure one of them is neckros and keep playing invasions on corpus side.Last thing I noticed is they do appear more often if you carry a weapon that is sublevel 30.Good luck because I think I am done with G3 ,300 invasions and no brakk parts.

wow! 300 invasions and still no parts that is a pretty crappy drop rate indeed. At this point, I would just like the option of buying it or making it tradeable just to get it over with as this is the only weapon I'm missing in my arsenal. I definitely believe there are some bugs with the G3 that need to addressed. Also the fact that the game kept crashing when update 12 first came on PS4 might have everything to to do with such lousy drop rates. There could still be lingering bugs that could be affecting how the AI performs which directly affects the G3's drop rates. I guess we will have to wait and see if anything changes in update 13.

Edited by (PS4)edwinp426
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