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Trinity Build



Hello. I just started crafting Trinity and was looking for "end-game" builds for her. The builds I'm seeing almost always have either Redirection, or Vitality, or both. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but with Blessing always active, it's okay to overlook those 2 mods..? Or will I still get hit by other types of damage even if Blessing is active?


I'm thinking of building her like this:




Basically, the gameplay will be casting Blessing all the time, with Link thrown in whenever I can. Is this okay?


Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


Thank you.


Edit: added link

Edited by (PS4)jiminee10
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9 answers to this question

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I personally would include either Vigor or Maxed Redirection in the build as higher level mobs will still down Trinity in between castings.

Trinity can still be damaged when recasting. With a Maxed Natural Talent, you are looking at around 1.5 seconds casting time. A lot of things can happen in those seconds.

I have gotten damaged pretty badly at 50 minute mark in T3 void survival even when using a Maxed natural talent.

The blessings will still go off but you will be downed and bled out even though you managed to cast blessings.

You don't need Link. So, you can remove overextended too. The rest of the stuff can stay in,

I have 1 forma in my build and it works very well. My 1 forma Trinity managed to fit in everything even at maxed.

I just want to add that there are basically two ways to build Trinity.

Link Trinity and Blessings Trinity.

Both Link and Blessings use slightly different mods.

Link needs maxed duration, and maxed range.

While Blessings need maxed duration and maxed efficiency in order to spam blessings.

Just my two cents. Someone with more experience in playing Trinity may prove me wrong.

Edited by (PS4)friedricetheman
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I personally would include either Vigor or Maxed Redirection in the build as higher level mobs will still down Trinity in between castings.

Trinity can still be damaged when recasting. With a Maxed Natural Talent, you are looking at around 1.5 seconds casting time. A lot of things can happen in those seconds.

I have gotten damaged pretty badly at 50 minute mark in T3 void survival even when using a Maxed natural talent.

The blessings will still go off but you will be downed and bled out even though you managed to cast blessings.


Thanks for this info. This is exactly what I'm looking for. By the way, why Vigor or Redirection and not Vitality? I would've think that Vitality takes precedence since the Ancient's poison can bypass our shields, right?


As for the builds you've mentioned, I was going for the Link and Blessing build, which is why my build looked like that (will have to change now to add defensive mod). I do, however, get the sole-Blessing build you were referrring to.


Thank you for the input. I appreciate it.

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I would dump Overextend and Natural Talent.

Overextend is not worth the points it uses when it only helps a small amount with one ability.

Natural Talent is completely useless in this build theoretically you are going to be casting blessing before the old one runs out so you will always have the invulnerability.


If you get knocked down, which can and does happen. you may not have time to recast Blessing in time. Without Redirection and/or Vitality you will be toast in a high level game.

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I have the same basic build as you jiminee, but I would highly recommend getting Flow out of the build. You won't be needing it with the 75% efficiency and Energy Siphon already equipped. Blessing would only cost 25 energy (Link even less). For Blessing to be constant with that build, you would need only 2 max Energy Siphons (1 on you, 1 on a teammate to accomplish) and your energy regen is already higher than you would need to spam Blessing indefinitely.


The next mod I would say is opitional as friedrice stated would be Overextended, though I can see the uses for it. Putting in both Redirection and Vitality can be a boon, but at times it feels overkill (at least to me it does).


Just my 2 cents however.

Edited by Uluu
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As I've said in another topic, this is my favorite build now:

75% power efficiency, never gonna miss energy, blessing and link for or more than 20 s, ~ 70% power range.  You can abuse of Blessing + Link with Stug, Penta or Ogris.
Trinity is so strong and powerfull (better tank than Rhino, best support, god mode, can kill more and faster than Nova, etc.), she obliterates the challenge until facing enemies around level 90.  At this level, she needs someone like Nova, Banshee, Rhino to kill things more faster.
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As I've said in another topic, this is my favorite build now:


You know you can do that with 4 forma? http://goo.gl/WbdLHl


I like having link + OE in the build, something other than just blessing spam is always welcome. In addition to using link for damage (whether reflected or self damage) it can be helpful to point out nearby enemies to you and teammates.



I would replace Flow for Redirection. In addition, I would consider losing Nat Talent. Try out Stretch (making link massive range) for selfdamage builds, or some utility mod, etc runspeed/QR, Enemy Sense, Bleedout Reduction etc. Nat Talent isnt really needed - just make sure link is active before Blessing runs out. Self Nuke: http://goo.gl/wRlKBR


You can also ditch Flow/NT for Vitality and Rage, when not using the ES aura (CP aura for high level grineer/void is much better imo). This will ensure you have energy when you need it (start taking damage). This is my build for high level Grineer/Void: http://goo.gl/WhUArz


The only time I would bring NT is when using Blessing retroactively rather than keeping it constantly up. When using Blessing as a heal rather than an invulnerability state, I see teammate shields drop and then cast Blessing, so NT is very useful there.

Edited by Darzk
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I personally feel that Natural Talent is needed in Trinity. It shaves off almost 0.5-1.0 seconds from Blessings.


Also, the reason why I would pick maxed redirection over maxed vitality is because bleeding procs will only deal damage in tiny chunks. Your blessings will instantly fill up your health so Vitality doesn't matter as much.


Trinity has 15 armor, so that Maxed Vitality is useless as it would won't matter if you have 600 health, a Heavy Gunner will take down 600 health on a 15 armor target in less than a second.


A maxed redirection is the way to go as shields on Trinity trumps health due to her low armor rating.

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Thanks everyone. I'm kinda liking the masochistic/suicide Trinity that Darzk touched upon (Blessing + Link), with an Ogris, Penta or Stug. Here's the build I came up with (of course, based on all your opinions/suggestions):




For the last slot, I'm still undecided with Natural Talent, Stretch or Vitality (I ditched Flow as you all suggested). I guess it all depends on my gameplay and what I think I would prefer once I get her to high-end survival/defense missions.


Thank you, all again. I appreciate all the input.


Edit: added link

Edited by (PS4)jiminee10
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You know you can do that with 4 forma? http://goo.gl/WbdLHl



I know, but I always try to polarize all slots first, and avoid change of polarities in my Warframes.  This allow me try more different builds, with all four powers, wrong polarities (even in the aura slot).


And let's face it, it's strange how, in some point, you just don't care anymore to waste more formas.  It's not just me, I'm sure a lot of people already have Catalyst/Reactor and forma in almost every weapon and frames, 6/5 polarities in all prime rifles, two of each frame, almost a hundred formas blue prints, etc.

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