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So i finally got the Helios Sentinel (so long gathering resources...)


and i found some issues.


the first issue is that its attack mod is onyl a 10m range, compared to the 30m of the other sentinels(except the shotgun one)

well..i'm not using the deconstructor weapon, because mods arent affecting it atm.  so i'm using deathcube's gun with the helios...and yet its still limited to 30m?

will there be a fix to make deconstructor be affected by mods? or can we at least get a 30m range for when we equip guns other than the deconstructor




the 2nd issue is the scan..is it even working?  atm it seems to take as long for helios to scan as it takes for me to jsut take out the scanner and scan, the difference being i can follow the mob to finish the scan, and helios fails so much cause the enemy takes cover, or walks behind a wall.


not to mention it takes so long that the enemy is usually dead. so the skill isn't much use.  this skill is the only reason i got helios (cause i wanna finish my codex)


is there a fix to make the skill more usable?

all the other sentinels have skills that work regardless of enemy behavior.

-wrym stuns even things in cover,

-shade stealths whenever enemies are near(even if i knocked down)...though the stealth is acting wonky lately..it will flicker off randomly when enemies are moving near me. so is it linked to jsut 1 enemy? and when that enemy moves out of range, regardless of other enemies around me, it ends?

-deathcube incinerates stuff with shields, in cover, or things that knocked down.


so far it's just helios whose 2nd skill is constantly failing

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well that would mean using the shotgun on a 30m range sentinel would make it more effective, true it doesnt do as much dmg at that range, but its doing dmg compared to no dmg.


so if it works like that, then everyone should jsut use the 30m range sentinels

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well that would mean using the shotgun on a 30m range sentinel would make it more effective, true it doesnt do as much dmg at that range, but its doing dmg compared to no dmg.


so if it works like that, then everyone should jsut use the 30m range sentinels

It definitely wouldn't make it more effective due to the spread of the sweeper; quite literally would not hit anything. All you would do is draw aggro and cause your sentinel to die faster if it attempted to attack targets at more distant ranges. It's primarily why Dethcube and Djinn are more prone to damage/dying than Carrier. To me, 30m has always been a detriment, but it's obviously necessary for the Dethcube rifle due to the nature of how it damages (sustained DPS versus burst).


I'm quite thankful the range isn't as long as Djinn, for the express reason that it is a projectile weapon. The deconstructor (essentially a glaive) would not have a chance at hitting anything beyond 10m because it is a projectile firing upon moving targets. It would also take longer to return, so you would not really get enough successive shots out of a maxed attack precept.



The scanner function definitely needs refinement, but more in the area of knowing what to scan for, instead of random objects that you've already gotten enough scans of. Preferrably the speed of scanning with a maxed precept.

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bad news. i found out helios is even LESS WORTH IT THAN I THOUGHT.


so we know it uses your scanners.


ok did you know that all those scans it fails USE UP A SCANNER.


yeah. u dont get the scanner back if the enemy dies while being scanned.





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